I have a couple of questions if anyone could help please

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Feb 16, 2010
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I am 29 years old and went back to school 2 years ago. I have my associates degree from WI and have now moved to Texas to finish up my Bach in Psychology. I am pre-med with intentions of being a psychiatrist. I was originally going to do a PhD in Psych but discovered Med school wasnt actually out of reach. I decided this after I received my bach and now am cramming all of my science classes in here at the end in order to have them done before the MCAT next summer. No matter which school I attend they seem to be no help when it comes to what I need to do for acceptance into med school so maybe someone here can help me....please :)

-Every semester I take at least 17 credits with the exception of 1 which I took 15. I am wondering if most people take the same amount of credits and still find the time to do all the ECs. Is it better for me to drop my course load down so that I have more time for that?

1-My school offers a Biomedical Practium in which I can follow doctors around for a total of 1 year. Will 1 year in following be sufficient for med school app board?

2-I am currently trying to decide which field I should go in for my part time job which will also help me advance in my application and acceptance. I need something that has short certification (because I cant add too many more class hours on to what I already have). I was thinking an EMT. Do you think that would be a good choice or do you have any other suggestions?

3-My strong suit is psychology and I have a lot of personal experience with people and problems so when I choose where I want to volunteer it usually leans towards somewhere in that field (helping abused children...ect). However I am well aware that med school is different so do you think that I should volunteer instead at something pertaining to the medical field? I am debating on 2 options right now. 1) volunteering at the local Children's hospital which has a minimum 1 year time line or 2) at a family outreach clinic for the prevention of child abuse. Again a 1 year commitment and involves training in child dev, dynamics of child abuse & neglect, communications, and parenting. Involves giving direct care to families, providing support services, ect.
Which one looks better to med school or do you think one is not enough? Do I need to do both? or should I pick 2 that are in med field? any input would help.

4-How has everyone else found a mentor to follow? Did you just go to local doctors offices? Back home it would have been easier because I could have been referred by people I know but down here I do not know anyone.

5-Should I be getting my letters of rec as I am going through the last 2 years so that I have them. From places I volunteer? Doctors I follow? Bosses? Faculty?

6-Do they want to see that I am conducting in research or that I am a participant in research. Conducting is obvious I guess but what about being a participant? Can you use that as experience?

7-What type of clinicals can you do as an undergrad and not being certified in anything?

Thank you soooooo much for your time!!!!! I am a blank slate and need as much info and tips as I can get. Thanks again!

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First of, congrats on embarking on a noble path.

-Take the number of credits where you will SUCCEED. Not what will "look" good. And yes, finding a balance between credit load and volunteerism is important.

-best of luck finding a job. anything with a clinical component is a plus

-if you are going to commit to a volunteer gig, choose one that fits your personality, and one that suits YOUR interests. Apply to both, interview and see which one is a better fit. You don't need to spread yourself too thin.

-start collecting letter of recommendation NOW. Too many pre-meds wait till the last minute. I highly recommend, "Interfolio"

-only do research if YOU are interested in research. Don't do it because it "looks" good. Trust me. adcoms can see right through it.

Hope that helps. Be well
I am 29 years old and went back to school 2 years ago. I have my associates degree from WI and have now moved to Texas to finish up my Bach in Psychology. I am pre-med with intentions of being a psychiatrist. I was originally going to do a PhD in Psych but discovered Med school wasnt actually out of reach. I decided this after I received my bach and now am cramming all of my science classes in here at the end in order to have them done before the MCAT next summer. No matter which school I attend they seem to be no help when it comes to what I need to do for acceptance into med school so maybe someone here can help me....please :)

-Every semester I take at least 17 credits with the exception of 1 which I took 15. I am wondering if most people take the same amount of credits and still find the time to do all the ECs. Is it better for me to drop my course load down so that I have more time for that?

1-My school offers a Biomedical Practium in which I can follow doctors around for a total of 1 year. Will 1 year in following be sufficient for med school app board?

2-I am currently trying to decide which field I should go in for my part time job which will also help me advance in my application and acceptance. I need something that has short certification (because I cant add too many more class hours on to what I already have). I was thinking an EMT. Do you think that would be a good choice or do you have any other suggestions?

3-My strong suit is psychology and I have a lot of personal experience with people and problems so when I choose where I want to volunteer it usually leans towards somewhere in that field (helping abused children...ect). However I am well aware that med school is different so do you think that I should volunteer instead at something pertaining to the medical field? I am debating on 2 options right now. 1) volunteering at the local Children's hospital which has a minimum 1 year time line or 2) at a family outreach clinic for the prevention of child abuse. Again a 1 year commitment and involves training in child dev, dynamics of child abuse & neglect, communications, and parenting. Involves giving direct care to families, providing support services, ect.
Which one looks better to med school or do you think one is not enough? Do I need to do both? or should I pick 2 that are in med field? any input would help.

4-How has everyone else found a mentor to follow? Did you just go to local doctors offices? Back home it would have been easier because I could have been referred by people I know but down here I do not know anyone.

5-Should I be getting my letters of rec as I am going through the last 2 years so that I have them. From places I volunteer? Doctors I follow? Bosses? Faculty?

6-Do they want to see that I am conducting in research or that I am a participant in research. Conducting is obvious I guess but what about being a participant? Can you use that as experience?

7-What type of clinicals can you do as an undergrad and not being certified in anything?

Thank you soooooo much for your time!!!!! I am a blank slate and need as much info and tips as I can get. Thanks again!

First of all I can only speak from my personal research on schools and my experience in interviewing and going through this long process.

17 credits vs. less credits? I would suggest to lower on your credits and put time into volunteering so that you can succeed in both areas (you do not want your grades lacking), this is part of that well roundedness that schools look at.

1 yr. of shadowing is good, however do you get to shadow different physicians or just one? You want a variety...

EMT gives you good hands on, however I would suggest to find something in a hospital. You will have an infinite amount of resources, doctors, direct patient care, documenting etc. You can look into becoming an NA or an LPN (don't know how long that takes though)...
I worked in the hospital for more than 3 yrs and believe me I had more resources than I could count...most importantly I learned about the day to day in a physician's life...

You should volunteer wherever you feel more comfortable, however through my interviews I got many questions from my hospital volunteering not my other community work...so maybe they lean towards that a bit more...

I found great physicians to shadow at the hospital, they become very helpful when they see you there and know who you are. I also went down the yellow pages...IT WORKED (Got a great FM doc to write me an LOR)..

As for LOR's I got about 6 of them:
Employer (Nursing director)
3 from physicians
The others from professors...(this one was a bit tough for me, since I really did not do too many office hours, so get in there let them know who you are).

Begin getting letters ASAP...I waited and I was stressed out of my mind waiting for them to write them and get them in....

I did not do much research, however if you are interested in it do it. I personally am more interested in patient care and working in the hospital was the best thing for me....

Hope this helps...I'm here if you have more questions..don't stress and enjoy every minute of your busy schedule...you will meet phenomenal people that are willing to help...:D
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Thank both of you for your help. I have actually found it very hard to find help. I think I just have a couple more questions.

I was offered a job as a dispatcher at an ambulance service and I think I need to take it for financial reasons however I really wanted to multi-task and save time by finding a job that paid and that looked good as experience for med school so any suggestions would be helpful.You said that it would be good to get into a hospital for work. What type of positions could I do at a hospital with no certifications or no hospital experience? It seems that every idea that I come up with needs certification.

If I get letters of rec now does it matter that they would be dated a year before I am actually applying to school?

When you say clinical does that mean following/shadowing a doctor?

I like any volunteer work because it makes me feel good so it doesnt matter to me which one that I pick...since it doesnt matter i was just wondering which one would be better for med school?

OH YA....I JUST FIGURED THIS OUT AND I AM SCARED...I just realize that I will have to take the MCAT next April/May (I thought I could take it in Aug but apparently I need to have my app done by June 30th) and I will still be completing classes that I need in order to take the MCAT. Does that happen for everyone? if I "plan" to go to med school the fall of 2012 then i need to take the MCAT the spring of 2011 and have my app in by june 30th 2011 correct?

I was taking 17 and 18 credits because when I was in WI they told me that I need to be taking a minimum of 15 in order to be considered for med school. I take it that it is not that way everywhere? (that would be great!)

what is "Interfolio" ??

Sorry some of my questions may seem dumb but I feel dumb when it comes to this stuff because my school doesnt help me and I have to research EVERYTHING on my own which is EXTREMELY time consuming and I get varied info everywhere...I think the best info is from the people going through it or have gone through it. THANKS SO MUCH!!!:)
You are getting varied info everywhere because there is no "one magic forumla" for getting into med school. Each school has different requirements. Each school looks for something different.

I can understand all the non-traditional students getting clinical experience, because many of them are already working in jobs that fall into that category. What I don't understand is how all these 18-21 year olds get clinical experience and still graduate on time. Where do they fit in the training to be an MA or a CNA or an LPN or an EMT?? All the programs by me (to gain one of those certifications) are time consuming! Like 9-5pm for 8 weeks straight or worse.
You are getting varied info everywhere because there is no "one magic forumla" for getting into med school. Each school has different requirements. Each school looks for something different.

If there was one magical formula for getting into med-school, then every pre-med would use it and all of the applicants would look exactly alike, again.

I suppose that there is the "super applicant" out there. 24 years old, worked 5 years as a full-time EMT while taking a full course load with a 4.0 GPA. He paid for college by joining the National Guard and served as a medic during 3 tours in Iraq. He has now completed his army commitment and was an E-8 when he left. On his off summers he worked in India with Mother Theresa - who was his personal friend and wrote a verified, handwritten letter of reference for him on her death bed.

The rest of us are just going to have to use what we can.
Thank both of you for your help. I have actually found it very hard to find help. I think I just have a couple more questions.

I was offered a job as a dispatcher at an ambulance service and I think I need to take it for financial reasons however I really wanted to multi-task and save time by finding a job that paid and that looked good as experience for med school so any suggestions would be helpful.You said that it would be good to get into a hospital for work. What type of positions could I do at a hospital with no certifications or no hospital experience? It seems that every idea that I come up with needs certification.

If I get letters of rec now does it matter that they would be dated a year before I am actually applying to school?

When you say clinical does that mean following/shadowing a doctor?

I like any volunteer work because it makes me feel good so it doesnt matter to me which one that I pick...since it doesnt matter i was just wondering which one would be better for med school?

OH YA....I JUST FIGURED THIS OUT AND I AM SCARED...I just realize that I will have to take the MCAT next April/May (I thought I could take it in Aug but apparently I need to have my app done by June 30th) and I will still be completing classes that I need in order to take the MCAT. Does that happen for everyone? if I "plan" to go to med school the fall of 2012 then i need to take the MCAT the spring of 2011 and have my app in by june 30th 2011 correct?

I was taking 17 and 18 credits because when I was in WI they told me that I need to be taking a minimum of 15 in order to be considered for med school. I take it that it is not that way everywhere? (that would be great!)

what is "Interfolio" ??

Sorry some of my questions may seem dumb but I feel dumb when it comes to this stuff because my school doesnt help me and I have to research EVERYTHING on my own which is EXTREMELY time consuming and I get varied info everywhere...I think the best info is from the people going through it or have gone through it. THANKS SO MUCH!!!:)

At the hospital I worked I saw may tech jobs taken up by students that were pre-med. Some examples are, EKG tech, cath lab tech (although this is A LOT of work and can be pretty stressful, I shadowed cardiologists in there, those kids have some thick skin!). Or even a HUS (hospital unit secretary), plus some hospitals will PAY for your semesters, mine did if you give back the time they payed for!
About the letters mine were fine being dated a year before, I did not have any issues...the way I see it is that you were early in the game getting things done and being safe...

One of my volunteering was in the Trauma/ER room at a county hospital..it was eye opening and great experience. Many of my interviewers asked about this specific one. When you get in there you will see that everyone is too busy for the pre-med volunteer (don't take it personal). Therefore you need to be proactive, befriend a doctor, introduce yourself and ask " is is okay if I shadow you", if they say no, then go to the next one! This worked for me...Just an option for you.

17 to 18 credits is not a requirement of med schools, maybe you were told that so you would finish earlier? My post-bac years consisted of max 11 credits.
As mentioned before all schools are different so research the ones you are looking at and find out what their stats are and go from there.

I don't really understand your MCAT question, but MCAT's are good for 3 yrs. so you can take it early and that would be fine...if you are not ready then you can put in your app and they will hold it until you update it with your MCAT score once it arrives (although don't wait too long like January).

Interfolio is a service that keeps your LORs and sends them directly to AMCAS/ACCOMAS. My school had that for me, all I did was give my recommendors the address and payed a small fee. I don't know how you can do it on your own...maybe someone else can help you with that.

Like the previous poster explained there is no magic plan...do your best and what you enjoy the most, that's what's important.

As for your plans to work and pay for school and get clinical experience AND get good grades...it's possible! The key is to balance...
I am an example of that, I learned early on that this is not just a dream..you have to roll up your sleeves and WORK. I have no loans out, and had decent grades and got a good look at what my future holds. I figured that if this is what it took to get into med school then I had to do it....