I know I shouldn't be asking about this here but... do I have some sort of melanoma?

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Jun 19, 2004
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I have this little spot on my lip that's kind of blackish looking(pretty faint and under the skin) and just below it and also under the skin is a white ball-like thing that kind of looks like a white head that you'd find on your face. I've searched all over the internet but havent found anything specifically dealing with the lip, so I thought I'd ask here for the heck of it. Thanks a lot!

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Could be a lot of things, but would be irresponsible not to see a dermatologist asap. Melanoma mainly occur on the trunk, but can develop anythere, and the development of dark spots should ALWAYS be a cause of concern. Do remember, that melanoma often can be extremely malignant, so timely diagnosis (and, if necessary, treatment) is absolutely of the essence.
Thanks... but not that I think about it, I bit my lip on that spot a while back and it went pretty deep... so it's probably just one of those black blood spots.
Can't tell by your description, but then I'm a dermpath, not a dermatologist...