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5+ Year Member
Sep 25, 2017
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Hello y'all.

Since this summer after I failed Physics I, I realized that I do not enjoy the science courses that I have to take for PT schools and for my major (Exercise Science). I realized that I dreaded taking those courses. I took chemistry, biology, physics, exercise physiology, kinetic anatomy, and A&P. I especially dreaded A&P.

From that realization, I am deeply concerned over my choice of career occupation. I decided to become a PT because I am interested in therapy in the healthcare field. I like that PTs have great patient interaction and flexibility.

I am also concerned that if I am in PT school, I will be miserable.

Over the months, I am losing passion for PT and that saddens me. All of my life, I am interested in healthcare. I absolutely loved the health science classes that I took in high school. I never have any interests in other fields. I do not know what careers to pursue now considering that I may not like science at all.

Sorry for the long post. Any replies will be greatly appreciated
Sorry for my bad grammar if there is any.

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I totally understand not liking the weed out classes like chemistry or physics. Unfortunately a lot of the classes such as A&P are further pursued in DPT Programs.... I don't think that you should give up your dreams of having a career in healthcare because you don't like the science classes. I'm curious if you enjoyed shadowing physical therapists, or if you have enjoyed being in the setting. If so is that enough to push you through the classes that are of less interest to you.
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As the poster above me said A&P is a pretty big part of PT school. I don't think it's a stretch to say it's a foundational course that many other subjects build on. I did well in the course during undergrad, but it kicked my @#$ in PT school. My struggles in the course actually gave me a lot of second thoughts about entering the profession, but I've been able to push through and I think I'm better off for it. With that being said I would check out some other professions if I were you. That may sound harsh, but you don't want to get 2 or 3 semesters into PT school only to realize you absolutely hate it. That's a lot of time and money down the drain.
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Like the others have mentioned, A&P, along with physiology, are INTEGRAL to PT programs. And it's the same across the board when looking at different programs because of the CAPTE standards. I'm a 1st years 2nd semester student and every single course so far has been about sciences and research surrounding them. The only courses so far not involving it has been a class on the healthcare system... So if you dislike sciences, I would recommend looking towards another profession. DPT is a medical profession based on the sciences.
Hello y'all.

Since this summer after I failed Physics I, I realized that I do not enjoy the science courses that I have to take for PT schools and for my major (Exercise Science). I realized that I dreaded taking those courses. I took chemistry, biology, physics, exercise physiology, kinetic anatomy, and A&P. I especially dreaded A&P.

From that realization, I am deeply concerned over my choice of career occupation. I decided to become a PT because I am interested in therapy in the healthcare field. I like that PTs have great patient interaction and flexibility.

I am also concerned that if I am in PT school, I will be miserable.

Over the months, I am losing passion for PT and that saddens me. All of my life, I am interested in healthcare. I absolutely loved the health science classes that I took in high school. I never have any interests in other fields. I do not know what careers to pursue now considering that I may not like science at all.

Sorry for the long post. Any replies will be greatly appreciated
Sorry for my bad grammar if there is any.

I would try to look into other medical therapy based fields which don't rely as heavily on Anatomy and Physiology classes. There are fields like Occupational Therapy or even Speech Therapy which might interest you.
I would try to look into other medical therapy based fields which don't rely as heavily on Anatomy and Physiology classes. There are fields like Occupational Therapy or even Speech Therapy which might interest you.

I'd second this. I got As in all my science prereqs and mostly enjoyed them and now as a first year PT student, anatomy is kicking my butt (and pretty much everyone else's in my program). This semester for us is all science-based and almost exclusively memorization and it's a fire-hose. If I didn't like/wasn't good at science, I think I would have failed out at this point. Definitely recommend looking into other rehab occupations where A&P is less heavily emphasized. If you like psych stuff, OT might be a better fit. Or speech path, or PTA/OTA where the commitment/depth of info you have to learn is probably a little less.