You guys asked for it.
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Shirtless radical pose available upon popular demand. Warning: I get even whiter if you take off the shirt and will not be held responsible for seared retinas and related visual loss. I'm gonna be modest, at least at first.
My point is this:
Nobody fixes YOU but YOU. I don't wanna hear bogus-ass excuses made by whiners who won't put in the work. Things like: "ACKCHUALLY weight training isn't GOOD for weight LOSS.. and CARDIO isn't all THAT good EITHER." I'm not special or unique; there are millions of people who turned their lives and health around just like this. Train. Lift. Swim. Run. Bike. Whatever. Eat right. It works; and everyone knows it.
A lot of you probably remember a few years back where I was just a seething hot mass of hate. Some of you even PM'ed me or made phone calls to check in and make sure that I wasn't gonna do something regrettable. Thanks for that.
I was 38-39 then. 5'6'', close to 190 pounds. 22% body fat. Sad, fat, drunk, and pathetic. I hated everything and I made my excuses. "I worked so hard today and it sucked SO much. BEERs, hot wings, and vidya games will make me feel better." I even had myself convinced that: "Well, I was entering middle age now, so this is EXPECTED."
Sad excuses from a sad person.
People look for the shortcut... the hack... those are LIES. The shortcut doesn't work. The "hack" doesn't get you there, and certainly won't KEEP you there. You gotta change EVERYTHING. Instead of "give me THIS pill for THAT problem and THAT pill for THIS problem, and THIS shot for THAT and (so on), I got a grip and kept it - and this is what Americans need to do. Stop looking for the pill, the shot, the drug, the WHATEVER to fix the problems that are ENTIRELY within your control. The EASY way does NOT work. Kick your own ass.
Now: close to 43. 158 pounds. Still five-foot-six. Joined the 1000-pound combined lift club and have no intentions of stopping.
... and it DOESN'T take that much work. 3-4 one-hour sessions a week in the gym. Yeah, be smart about it. Conventional gymbro wisdom is conventional because it works.
Americans by and large don't need more pills and meds, they need a reality-check and an attitude adjustment.
Join me, brothers and sisters.
Move big weight.
Eat much protein.
Sleep like a king.
Feel like a God.
This is the way.