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10+ Year Member
Jan 11, 2009
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I am curious how the ICD-10 is used in mental health for assessment/diagnosis and what the main differences are. I been taught to use the DSM-IV and have been utilizing in practice for some time now, so I am curious how the ICD-10 comes into play.

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The ICD's psychiatric disorder codes and criteria are used much more in countries outside of the US, such as Europe (although I think the DSM is used fairly frequently in the UK), Asia, etc. It is also used more in neuropsych when diagnosing conditions that are not in the DSM (eg., Lewy Body Dementia). Codes from the ICD are also used alot for billing purposes in neuropsychology since referral diagnosis is often not a psychiatric disorder, and thus not contained in the DSM. Criteria for diagnoses are often the same, but there are some differences.
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Sort of...but it is not in use yet as most places in the US still are on ICD-9. Also, ICD codes are on most EMRs.
I work almost exclusively with medical/neuro/other dx's, so the utility of a DSM to me is quite limited. Cognitive Disorder NOS can only be written so many times before you want to pull your hair out. :D

I honestly don't know too much about the differences between ICD-9 and ICD-10 coding, as our hospital still using ICD-9 codes, though I'd be curious to hear about any differences people have found.