ICU Books

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any ideas on books that are more "bare boned" than the ICU book? What about tarason's critical care? any help?

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Anyone have any feedback on the Comprehensive Critical Care: Adult Print that SCCM puts out?
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You could buy the Kindle edition for $195 from Amazon, and return it in a week (if you don't like it).
Amazon product ASIN 0387773274
Hands down, beast of a book....

It can also be downloaded as a pdf, from Springerlink, if your institution has a subscription to it. I keep it on my Kindle. But it's too much for a resident. So start with Marino.

If you want even more, read the appropriate chapter from Vincent. Your academic institution probably has it in its online library.
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It can also be downloaded as a pdf, from Springerlink, if your institution has a subscription to it.
i don't suppose anybody has a bootlegged pdf of it, do they? we don't have springerlink at my program (?!) and i only have it on loan in print for the next 3 weeks (h/t Mercer CoM)....which is obv nowhere near enough time to get much use out of it.

already went through the arrhythmia and neuro chapters and they were 👍
Opinions for The Ventilator Bood vs. the ICU book?
I think I’m only going to finish reading one book if even, during my MS4 MICU rotation.
Opinions for The Ventilator Bood vs. the ICU book?
I think I’m only going to finish reading one book if even, during my MS4 MICU rotation.

You don’t need the ventilator book as a Med student.
Opinions for The Ventilator Bood vs. the ICU book?
I think I’m only going to finish reading one book if even, during my MS4 MICU rotation.

The Ventilator Book is 100 pages, and The ICU Book is 1,000. Honestly the ICU Book is overkill for an MS4. Maybe The Little ICU Book?
The Ventilator Book is 100 pages, and The ICU Book is 1,000. Honestly the ICU Book is overkill for an MS4. Maybe The Little ICU Book?
Thanks for your advice! Would the ICU book be sufficient for an intern? Kind of considering getting it and then I don't have to get another ICU book in intern year.
But it is an exceptionally quick read.

Used the ICU book during my MICU rotation. Absolutely loved it! Any other books written like that that is at a good level for medical studnets? In terms of covering important management points short with some pathophys included?
Wanted to bump this thread since it has been awhile. Any new recommendations/updates for a soon to be pgy-1 to get the basics down for CCM?
Wanted to bump this thread since it has been awhile. Any new recommendations/updates for a soon to be pgy-1 to get the basics down for CCM?
Honestly, very little has changed in the management of critical illness - Marino's is a great place to start. If you wanted to do something more advanced and easily accessible, focusing on specific topics, the internet book of critical care would fit the bill.
Is Tobins worth the effort of a cover to cover?


I read it cover to cover. I admittedly read too much - stems from a fear of killing patients from not knowing some esoteric details. I learned a little, but most of it you pick up in fellowship.

I loved JLV Textbook of CC and HS&W Principles of critical care. Either one of those plus targeted journal reading is probably sufficient, although both is nice. Didn’t care for evidence based CC. Couldn’t get through Irwin & Rippe. Marino is good, but more basic - maybe resident level - very fundamental heavy.

Just my $0.02
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I read it cover to cover. I admittedly read too much - stems from a fear of killing patients from not knowing some esoteric details. I learned a little, but most of it you pick up in fellowship.

I loved JLV Textbook of CC and HS&W Principles of critical care. Either one of those plus targeted journal reading is probably sufficient, although both is nice. Didn’t care for evidence based CC. Couldn’t get through Irwin & Rippe. Marino is good, but more basic - maybe resident level - very fundamental heavy.

Just my $0.02

Thanks, I have a similar propensity toward overreading and am trying to improve my yield for time invested. I picked up JLV