If anyone hears back from FAP could you let us know here?

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2+ Year Member
Jan 5, 2020
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Just so we know when they start sending out decisions. Thanks!

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Just a heads-up for y'all, some schools fail to mention they can work with Fee Assistance Program (FAP) recipients to waive the additional supplemental application fee. If you feel comfortable, tactfully ask the admission folks if they have those fee exceptions in place when time comes to submit/pay your supplemental application to the school. They won't mind to check if you are nice about it; it saved me quite a bit of money when I was in a really tight financial situation while applying.
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Just a heads-up for y'all, some schools fail to mention they can work with Fee Assistance Program (FAP) recipients to waive the additional supplemental application fee. If you feel comfortable, tactfully ask the admission folks if they have those fee exceptions in place when time comes to submit/pay your supplemental application to the school. They won't mind to check if you are nice about it; it saved me quite a bit of money when I was in a really tight financial situation while applying.

I already waived supplemental fees at 3 schools by replying to the email they sent about it. Thanks for spreading the words about it!!!
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