Iliolumbar ligament ultrasound images needed

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Interventional Pain Management
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Jan 9, 2002
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Do any of you have any excellent images of the iliolumbar ligament under ultrasound you can post? This is the best published image I have found. From Pain Physician journal.

"Sonoanatomy and Injection Technique of the Iliolumbar Ligament " Dr. Harmon, MD et al

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Do any of you have any excellent images of the iliolumbar ligament under ultrasound you can post? This is the best published image I have found. From Pain Physician journal.

"Sonoanatomy and Injection Technique of the Iliolumbar Ligament " Dr. Harmon, MD et al

View attachment 199898

You can also find it on the posterior-superior iliac crest.
Nice images. Hard to see on most american (fat) patients.

I inject this on about 2-3 patients per year under fluoro. Doesn't always work, but I've had some home run results on a few patients who failed everything else before seeing me.
from 2011 practical pain management


  • Iliolumbar sonoanatomy_PPM2011.jpg
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