I'm officially part of the problem

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15+ Year Member
Mar 20, 2005
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Today on rotation, a pharmacist (not my preceptor) who I've been working with, corrected me to call her Dr. X on the phone. :laugh:

I snickered and rolled my eyes while I apologized.


I've never seen someone outside of academia insist they be called Dr. whatever.

but like I said, I'm obviously part of the problem.

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Today on rotation, a pharmacist (not my preceptor) who I've been working with, corrected me to call her Dr. X on the phone. :laugh:

I snickered and rolled my eyes while I apologized.


I've never seen someone outside of academia insist they be called Dr. whatever.

but like I said, I'm obviously part of the problem.

I had somebody do that, I hate those ppl.
Today on rotation, a pharmacist (not my preceptor) who I've been working with, corrected me to call her Dr. X on the phone. :laugh:

I snickered and rolled my eyes while I apologized.


I've never seen someone outside of academia insist they be called Dr. whatever.

but like I said, I'm obviously part of the problem.

Stop causing trouble.. yet I would call everyone Doctor whenever Dr. X is around and mock the chit of that person.. ask Dr. X to please use PharmD Candidate NJAC when addressing you... hopefully the ***** will get the idea.
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:p:p:p On my first day of work, I addressed my boss (a pharmacist) as Mrs. Z. She glared at me and corrected me by saying, "Everyone around here called me Dr. Z. So from now on you should do the same." I was speechless. :rolleyes:
the more I think about it the funnier it is.

I think it's because she did the non-trad Pharm.D. after being a pharmacist for like 25years. And I understand how hard she worked for it, etc etc.

But still. I just promise not to be one of those people!
You could always get ordained as a minister online and demand to be called Minister NJAC, PharmD candidate.
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"The Very Reverend NJAC, Pharm.D. Candidate"

I think I like that.
Or you could go the whole hog like a preacher in my country and address yourself as "Senior Prophet, Pastor, Doctor njac."

Then add "PharmD candidate" for emphasis.
I like to use "Dr" when making restaurant reservations, other than that there's no point really.
I like to use "Dr" when making restaurant reservations, other than that there's no point really.

Don't use "Dr" for airline frequent miles membership... if someone has a heart attack or having a baby in the air, they'll call you.. this has happened to many of my "PharmD" friends who put "Dr" when making air travel reservations.
Don't use "Dr" for airline frequent miles membership... if someone has a heart attack or having a baby in the air, they'll call you.. this has happened to many of my "PharmD" friends who put "Dr" when making air travel reservations.

Ha ha! No, just restaurants-but I suppose I could get in trouble if someone is choking?
Don't use "Dr" for airline frequent miles membership... if someone has a heart attack or having a baby in the air, they'll call you.. this has happened to many of my "PharmD" friends who put "Dr" when making air travel reservations.

well I am ACLS certified... What all do they have on the kit on the plane other than an AED?
Don't use "Dr" for airline frequent miles membership... if someone has a heart attack or having a baby in the air, they'll call you.. this has happened to many of my "PharmD" friends who put "Dr" when making air travel reservations.

I played softball with a couple of guys who's dad was an OB/GYN for 40+ years. He's gotten that hey we've got a guy who's complaining of chest pain up here... what do you want use to do. He was like pray there's a ER nurse or paramedic.

See Njac, I'd call the pharmacist Frau Doktor <lastname>, unless they published a lot then I'd gladly call them doctor, what can I say I know what I need. ;)
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Dang... most of the PharmDs I've been around just tells me to address them by their first names. Although, I haven't started rotations yet, so maybe that'll change...
I played softball with a couple of guys who's dad was an OB/GYN for 40+ years. He's gotten that hey we've got a guy who's complaining of chest pain up here... what do you want use to do. He was like pray there's a ER nurse or paramedic.

See Njac, I'd call the pharmacist Frau Doktor <lastname>, unless they published a lot then I'd gladly call them doctor, what can I say I know what I need. ;)

Herr Doktor fuer mich.
Herr Doktor fuer mich.

Ich kein Sie nicht Doktor. Sie sind gerade ein neidriger Apotheker.

At least I think that's correct, it's only been a few years since I took a german class. *cough*
:p:p:p On my first day of work, I addressed my boss (a pharmacist) as Mrs. Z. She glared at me and corrected me by saying, "Everyone around here called me Dr. Z. So from now on you should do the same." I was speechless. :rolleyes:
It's highly unusual to call a pharmacist by mister, miss, or misses in a professional setting. Most pharmacists would ask to be called something else if you did that.
Next thing that you'll see is dentists wanting to be called Doctor... :rolleyes:
Ohs noes! A fabled Doctor has graced out presence! How dare we try to use the title they've usurped from academia. To be fair, I'm not sure I could really respect Butcher or Barber X. :D
Ich kein Sie nicht Doktor. Sie sind gerade ein neidriger Apotheker.

At least I think that's correct, it's only been a few years since I took a german class. *cough*
Unfortunately, not really. I cannot understand what you are trying to say in the first sentence. That you aren't sure whether she is a Doctor?

The only time I was addressed as a Doctor was when I gave lectures for students... and sometimes I am introduced as a Doctor when doing presentations at work (speaking of which, I have a presentation for American Pharmacists Month which I haven't even started on...). Oh, and when I am interviewing candidates, they usually address me as a Doctor. I think that's about it... I personally don't care. Your average American cannot properly pronounce either my given name or my last name, so whatever. It's not THAT hard to double consonants, really... or place stress on the second syllable, rather than the first...
today my preceptor introduced her by her first name in a meeting. The look she got was priceless.

She didn't notice. But a couple hours later the DOCTOR called to let her know that she wants to be referred to as DOCTOR X from now on.

we giggled together this time.
When I get old, I'm going to come out of retirement at age 85 and call EVERYONE by their kiddie name. Dr. John Smith would be known as "Little Jonnie down the hall" by me. What are they going to do? I'll be old! Hahaha. I can't wait.
Ohs noes! A fabled Doctor has graced out presence! How dare we try to use the title they've usurped from academia.

Lawl. :laugh: This is why I refer to physicians as, well, physicians and not "doctors." But, this is another argument for another time, and if I had a penny for every thread on this website about who should and shouldn't be called "doctor," I could have provided money for the bailout myself. :smuggrin:

My point is, I agree, and this made me laugh.
Unfortunately, not really. I cannot understand what you are trying to say in the first sentence. That you aren't sure whether she is a Doctor?

It was suppose to be something like... "I won't call you Doctor, you're just a lowly pharmacist."
i used to call my preceptors by their first names, and will ask my students to do that as well. we are supposed to be partners in learning, not stuffy like professors:)
i used to call my preceptors by their first names, and will ask my students to do that as well. we are supposed to be partners in learning, not stuffy like professors:)

I am pretty sure that depends on the setting... If you are doing a community practice residency - yes. However, critical care and other specialty fields have a greater disparity between experienced and non-experienced. In such a case - the Mentor / Pupil relationship is more profound.

Even Obi Wan used "Master" when addressing Yoda.

I am pretty sure that depends on the setting... If you are doing a community practice residency - yes. However, critical care and other specialty fields have a greater disparity between experienced and non-experienced. In such a case - the Mentor / Pupil relationship is more profound.

Even Obi Wan used "Master" when addressing Yoda.


I agree with you here. you would have to know the person in question but I don't think her current job nor her experience garner an official Doctor introduction at every single meeting.