Importance of appearance?

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May 18, 2007
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How important would you say your appearance is in terms of being accepted to schools? I'm not talking about what you wear, because I'm assuming people will be wearing the standard black/navy suit with appropriate accoutrements. I mean, do you think schools judge based on how YOU look, not your clothes? I.e., overweight, acne, thinning hair/bald, just plain ugly, weird skin conditions, cankles, bad haircut, fake-n-bake tan, too much or too little makeup, poorly maintained nails (dirty, rough/torn, too long, bitten down, peeling/chipped nail polish), excessive sweating, chapped lips, etc. Thoughts?

I felt the need to get really specific in what I listed. You never know. Plus, it's funny to think about som adcom saying, "Dude, did you see that chick's cankles? Nasty!" or "That young man had enough soil under his fingernails to plant flowers."

I am such a loser. 🙁 Haha

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I will be surprised if anyone has a serious, fact-based response. I feel like this sort of thing is very difficult for applicants to find out, but hey, maybe someone knows 🙂
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AdComs will obviously look for things pertaining to hygeine. But apart from that - being supermodel gorgeous/"ugly" doesn't matter... it's the confidence you exhude, how you carry yourself, and how you word your answers that's most important.
being supermodel gorgeous/"ugly" doesn't matter...
Don't be so sure. People have subtle biases that they can bring in/take out from an interview that can exaggerate/minimize reality. Will you ever know how much of an effect it has? Probably not. Don't worry about what you can't change.

"Oh, this girl is beautiful. I bet she's had everything handed to her on a silver platter."

"This guy is ugly. What a dork! He's totally socially inept."

"Whoa. Talk about double chins. Gobble gobble! Put down the pie...."
Don't be so sure. People have subtle biases that they can bring in/take out from an interview that can exaggerate/minimize reality. Will you ever know how much of an effect it has? Probably not. Don't worry about what you can't change.

"Oh, this girl is beautiful. I bet she's had everything handed to her on a silver platter."

"This guy is ugly. What a dork! He's totally socially inept."

"Whoa. Talk about double chins. Gobble gobble! Put down the pie...."

I probably should use some roids to pump up for the interview.
ADCOMS are like the rest of us, they are biased and often act on their biases. I know I do.
How important would you say your appearance is in terms of being accepted to schools? I'm not talking about what you wear, because I'm assuming people will be wearing the standard black/navy suit with appropriate accoutrements. I mean, do you think schools judge based on how YOU look, not your clothes? I.e., overweight, acne, thinning hair/bald, just plain ugly, weird skin conditions, cankles, bad haircut, fake-n-bake tan, too much or too little makeup, poorly maintained nails (dirty, rough/torn, too long, bitten down, peeling/chipped nail polish), excessive sweating, chapped lips, etc. Thoughts?

I felt the need to get really specific in what I listed. You never know. Plus, it's funny to think about som adcom saying, "Dude, did you see that chick's cankles? Nasty!" or "That young man had enough soil under his fingernails to plant flowers."

I am such a loser. 🙁 Haha

While I think most adcoms will try to be above judging folks on their looks, there are numerous psychological studies which indicate that on a subconscious level folks cannot help but bestow characteristics (eg personable, intelligent, professional) on people based on their looks. There have also definitely been studies indicating that very overweight people don't fare as well in job interviews. So you should do your best to look the part, maybe even do what you can to get in interview shape, for sure get an outfit that fits nicely. As far as hygeine (including clothing, haircuts, nails), that will likely be judged on an interview because it is deemed within your control.