Importing First Aid into OneNote

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7+ Year Member
Nov 24, 2014
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Has anybody had success importing first aid in PDF format into OneNote? Ideally I would like to be able to have an electronic copy rather than a hard copy. Every time I try to do so onenote crashes...not sure if that is just me. I was able to get the pdf file to be under the 100 mb limit of importing.

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Has anybody had success importing first aid in PDF format into OneNote? Ideally I would like to be able to have an electronic copy rather than a hard copy. Every time I try to do so onenote crashes...not sure if that is just me. I was able to get the pdf file to be under the 100 mb limit of importing.

you need to break it into chapters. go to print and select "print to one note" and then specify the page range. Do this for each chapter and make each chapter a section or a separate page in OneNote. Yes, this will be a big resource hog...make sure whatever computer you have has tons of RAM. It works super fast on my desktop (16gigs of RAM) but opening it on my laptop there is some lag but still very workable.