Information session questions

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2+ Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
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I am planning on attending information sessions at a couple of universities. I was just wondering what it an acceptable attire and what sort of questions I should be asking. Some schools have information sessions over the summer break so I will not be able to interact with the faculty would you still recommend I attend these sessions.

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I am planning on attending information sessions at a couple of universities. I was just wondering what it an acceptable attire and what sort of questions I should be asking. Some schools have information sessions over the summer break so I will not be able to interact with the faculty would you still recommend I attend these sessions.
Ask any questions that you have and they don't talk about. Wear whatever you would be comfortable with one of the admissions counselors seeing you wearing.
I am planning on attending information sessions at a couple of universities. I was just wondering what it an acceptable attire and what sort of questions I should be asking. Some schools have information sessions over the summer break so I will not be able to interact with the faculty would you still recommend I attend these sessions.

Don't ask anything you could find out by using google, ask things which would be unique to the professors or the university itself. Dress at least business casual (dress to impress).
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Don't ask anything you could find out by using google, ask things which would be unique to the professors or the university itself. Dress at least business casual (dress to impress).
Ask any questions that you have and they don't talk about. Wear whatever you would be comfortable with one of the admissions counselors seeing you wearing.
thank you
I asked things like:
1. Is it possible to work during school?
2. How long are classes?
3. What is one piece of advice you'd give to incoming students?

For me, it was important that the school I attended understood that we are not just students. Sometimes, we need to take a mental health day. Sometimes, family does come first. So information sessions are an opportunity for you to see if that school is a good fit for you!
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