
  1. D

    HELP: DPT to MD??

    Hi, I'm looking for advice since I don't know what to do. I'm currently a 2nd Year DPT student (just finished 3rd semester) in Pakistan and I am at my absolute lowest now. I have been interested and passionate about Medicine(Anesthesia) since 9th Grade but due to some reasons I couldn't get into...
  2. F

    When are you taking the NPTE and How do you plan to study for it? +

    Hey guys, I've heard the NPTE is changing. I'm a third year DPT student and I will be taking my exam in October of 2024. I have just decided to start studying for it but am not entirely sure how / what resources I should use. I've heard Final Frontier, Typical PT, PEAT, and TherapyED are good...
  3. R

    Shenandoah University DPT Class of 2027

    I was just recently accepted into SUDPT Class of 2027 and I’m pretty set on attending that program. I really enjoy what the program has to offer and the surrounding area of Winchester, VA. I’m making this thread to connect with other people that have attended, is attending, or planning to attend...
  4. B

    New DPT Program at Univ. of Arizona Starting in Fall 2025!

    For students looking for a program with an innovative curriculum at an affordable tuition, University of Arizona is seeking accreditation for a new Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Applications open on PTCAS in June 2024 for the first inaugural class incoming fall 2025. Our program is...
  5. Z

    Illinois DPT Program Updates 2023-2024 Cycle

    Hi everyone, I thought i’d make an Illinois DPT program update thread for us to converse on! Fill this out: Current institution: GPA: pGPA: science GPA (if known): Test scores: Extracurriculars: Observation Hours: Schools applied: Schools interview invite: Schools rejection: Schools accepted:
  6. H

    Dismissed from DPT program. Chances and Tips for getting into another program?

    Hello everyone, I was dismissed from my DPT program because of my mental health issues (Social Anxiety stemming from a birth defect). I tried to juggle bettering my mental health issues at the same time of being a DPT student, but I bit off more than I could chew and was dismissed from my...
  7. L

    Texas DPT Wave 2023-2024

    Hello! I noticed that a thread hasn't been started for the 2023-2024 application cycle for Texas PT schools, so I figured I would get one going. I think it would be good to stay updated on where schools are at with their processes and also celebrate each others interviews and acceptances! Feel...
  8. P

    UAMS 2022-23 Waitlist

    I'm new to this platform, I am waitlisted at UAMS. Has anyone else been waitlisted or has moved off the waitlist?
  9. P

    Chapman class of 2026

    Just a quick poll on where everyone is at!
  10. C

    Samuel Merritt DPT 2022-2023

    Hi! I just wanted to start a thread for those who have applied to Samuel Merritt’s DPT program this cycle. Samuel Merritt’s website said we should be hearing back in December. We can exchange info on if anyone has heard back or their number on the waitlist. Good luck to everyone!
  11. P

    Philadelphia DPT 22-23 Cycle

    Hey everyone! I wanted to start this thread to share timelines/interview info/acceptances etc. for all the DPT programs in Philly. I know some interviews have already started, and I'm sure we're all anxiously waiting to hear back from our schools!
  12. C

    Chances of getting into DPT?

    I have recently had a bad semester. Out of my two semesters total, being exercise science and doing pre reqs for pt school. So far I have an A in A&P 1 and all biology classes and stats. But recently I have had a hard time being motivated and getting to my classes for my major. For my first two...
  13. P

    Hunter College DPT Class of 2025

    Hi, I am starting this thread because I have not seen another one with the incoming class in Hunter's DPT program this year. I currently have an apartment in Far Rockaway but I was looking for housing closer to campus and was wondering if anyone else in the class was as well.
  14. J

    SAC State DPT co 2025

    Hi! If you’re reading this then you’re probably waiting for admission decisions or you may have gotten accepted. If you’re waiting, keep your head up! If you got accepted then congrats! I just wanted to create this thread for the future sac state cohort in case anyone is looking for housing...
  15. C

    2nd deposit for DPT school

    Hi everyone, Does anyone know if PT schools have a final decision day or a second deposit due? I currently have multiple deposits paid and haven’t decided where I want to go yet and I’m wondering if I can wait a little longer to make a decision or if I have time.
  16. bmoore46


    Hi everyone, I’m at a crossroads and could use advice! So far UTSW has given me a competitive scholarship and so it would be the cheapest option, however when I toured the school I was just not impressed with the overall vibe. I enjoyed TWU-Houston much more. Is this a silly reason to chose a...
  17. C

    Pacific University DPT waitlist 2022

    Hi everyone, I interviewed with Pacific University (Oregon) about a month ago and was recently told I’m on the 1st tier waitlist. I am wondering if anyone knows how the tiers work (how many people are in the tiers etc). Also, does anyone know when the deposit is due for accepted students?
  18. W

    Mount St Joseph Class of 2025

    Hey everyone! I have accepted a spot in the Mount St Joseph University DPT program for the class of 2025. I was hoping to find some of my future classmates! Feel free to reach out/comment!
  19. bmoore46

    Texas Programs moving online?

    Has anyone heard of any of the Texas DPT programs moving online due to covid? Several universities just announced they were going online for a while, Baylor included.
  20. bmoore46

    Texas DPT Programs choice

    Hi all, I have been accepted to TWU-Hou, UTMB, UTHSCSA, and UTSW DPT programs. Does anyone have any feelings on the schools? I'm incredibly thankful to have these choices but I have no idea what to pick! I'm looking for a program that creates closeness within your cohort/professors, has...
  21. awaldlkk

    Western Carolina University DPT 2022-2023 admission

    Just curious if anyone has heard any news from WCU? (Interviews were Nov 16-20 and we were notified Nov 30 if we were accepted or the placed on the waitlist.) Has anyone gotten off the waitlist so far? Thanks!
  22. W

    Colorado DPT 2021-22

    Hey everyone! I haven’t found a thread for Colorado yet this year so I figured I’d go ahead and start one. Has anyone heard back from them? I applied to CU - Anschutz at the end of September. Good luck to you all!
  23. S

    Illinois DPT 2021-2022

    Figured I'd start a thread for Illinois DPT applicants. I've applied to NIU, Bradley, Gov State, Iowa, Rosalind Franklin, and UIC. GPA: 3.55 cumulative, around a 3.8 prerequisite GPA. Observation Hours: around 900 outpatient, 25 inpatient GRE: 155 Q 150 V A lot of various volunteer and other...
  24. W

    Mercer DPT 2021-2022

    Hey y’all! I recently interviewed for Mercer’s DPT program. Has anyone else who has interviewed there heard anything back yet?
  25. A

    Students of “Candidate” status programs

    Hello, I am looking into applying to a new program and entering their class as they become a “candidate” for accreditation. Has anyone attended a school under these circumstances and how did it work when you graduated and tried to get licensed?
  26. M

    Stick with DPT or move to PM&R?

    I am only a month into DPT school and don’t get me wrong, I LOVE it. But I find myself thinking, “should I have gone to medical school?” I think PT is what I want to do. Senior year of high school, when you’re supposed to make a college decision that effects the next 4-6 years of your life, I...
  27. andrewfalkenpk

    Master's before DPT?

    Hi Everyone, After graduating from my undergraduate college, I have been grinding non-stop to improve my GPA and wanted to know what else there is I can do to stand out. I have been doing my own dual post-bac program at the local community college and local CSU in my hometown to improve my GPA...
  28. L

    Wait list odds

    Hello! I have accepted a spot at a dpt program, but just found out that I am on the waitlist at my top choice. I called and they told me I am between 4-8 on the waitlist and the deadline for accepted students is March 29th. Has anyone had any experience with this? Wondering what my odds are on...
  29. MGDPT

    NAU Phx Biomedical Campus Class of 2023 Acceptances

    Hello Everyone! My name is Makali Gomez and I received my acceptance letter from NAU for the Phoenix Biomedical campus in January. I wanted to post in this forum so we all could get to know each other and ask what everyone is doing for housing! I am interested in getting an apartment or house...
  30. H

    Retaking non-prerequisites courses

    What is everyone's opinion about retaking non-prerequisites courses to increase cumulative GPA? - Is it worth the time? - Should I spend my time on something else? My stats for context cGPA: 3.54 pGPA: 3.60+ OB hours: 1500+ (geri, peds, sports, ortho, neuro, inpatient and outpatient and SNF)...
  31. A


    Does anyone know when ETSU DPT program will get back to applicants about whether they were admitted or not/if they got an interview? I’ve seen mixed reviews about them getting back to students in the month of July or month of October from years ago. I’m not sure how long their process typically...
  32. P

    PTCAS References

    Hey guys! I was wondering if there is any way to store references somewhere before applying. I am planning on applying to the 2021-2022 application cycle and I know you're supposed to sent a request to your references to submit their letters through PTCAS, but I feel like June is a long time to...
  33. H

    Preparing for the worst. DPT 2021-2022

    Hello everyone, As of now I have been: Waitlisted to one program Waitlisted for interview at another and the rest I haven't heard back from So just in case I want to prepare for the next cycle. So please give me honest opinions on what I can do to improve my application. cGPA: 3.5 pGPA: 3.6...
  34. B

    MUSC DPT Admission 2020-2021 Cycle

    Has anyone heard back from MUSC? They are my number 1 and I was told before the Christmas Holiday!
  35. M

    Samuel Merritt University DPT 2020-2021 Cycle

    Hey everyone, I just want to start a thread for for SMU and see how many of you applied there. Kasie said we should hear back in mid-December, so I am guessing in about two more weeks! Feel free to post stats :) Gl everyone!
  36. H

    Emory DPT 2020-2021 Cycle

    Hi everyone! I’m making this thread because I haven’t seen any other ones for Emory DPT for the 2020-2021 application cycle, so I figured we could start a discussion in this! I had an interview with Emory on 11/13, but I haven’t had any updates since. I was wondering if anyone else had heard...
  37. K

    Rosalind Franklin DPT Interviews 2020-2021

    Has anyone had an interview/ heard any information on the interview format for Rosalind Franklins DPT program? I have an upcoming interview and was wondering if they were sticking with the MMI format virtually this year? Thanks!
  38. H

    Western University DPT class of 2024 - Pomona

    Hey guy! I wanted to create a space where we can help each other share info about the school, the admission process, and anything about the program. I haven't heard anything back from admissions yet. Please share your experiences as well.
  39. H

    California State University, Northridge DPT class of 2024

    Hey guy! I wanted to create a space where we can help each other share info about the school, the admission process, and anything about the program. I haven't heard anything back from admissions yet. Please share your experiences as well.
  40. H

    Pacific University DPT class of 2024

    Hey guy! I wanted to create a space where we can help each other share info about the school, the admission process, and anything about the program. I haven't heard anything back from admissions yet. Please share your experiences as well.