Insurrection of podiatry

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May 7, 2023
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Can anyone pull an insurrection of podiatry and overthrow apma, acfas, and abfas?

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Can anyone pull an insurrection of podiatry and overthrow apma, acfas, and abfas?
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Look, I know you're frustrated with everything but you have to understand none of these alphabet soup organizations care about our struggles. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Whatever you would want to supercede apma will turn into apma.

That's why I'm content to see abpm and abfas continue with their eggplant measuring contest--at least there's built in checks and balances.

Otherwise understand this business is a pay to play scam, and we're all no more important than lobsters on the bottom of the ocean.
Getting desperate about the reality of 100k/yr salary with 300k loans and an additional 7 years of your life pissed away?