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2+ Year Member
Nov 5, 2022
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To the faculty members on the board, I have a question. Do an interviewer fight for a students? How do they sway the admission committee to either accept, waitlist, or reject a student?

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Interviewers submit a report that outlines the competencies (or lack thereof) that they have elicited from the applicant.
Interviewers might not be members of the committee that decides the outcome. If present at the deliberation, they may emphasize aspects of the report, but often are not present.
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To the faculty members on the board, I have a question. Do an interviewer fight for a students? How do they sway the admission committee to either accept, waitlist, or reject a student?
Are you kidding? We often exchange automatic weapons fire at my school!

This assumes that the interview shows up and really wants the candidate.
Sometimes the interviewer, if present, will fight for the applicant and some readers of reports will do so if they are moved by the application and the report of the interview.

The reverse, that someone will fight to deny admission to an applicant who was exceptionally bad, will happen. Not often but it can happen.
Thank you all for your responses. I was wondering the interviewers role. I was comparing interviewes and the final outcomes of said school.
This prompts the question in my mind: how often is the interviewee good enough or bad enough for the interviewer to show up an emphasize their point?
This prompts the question in my mind: how often is the interviewee good enough or bad enough for the interviewer to show up an emphasize their point?
We argue over the good ones far more than the bad ones. It actually takes talent to be so bad that one gets a rejection from an interviewer before the interview is over.
We argue over the good ones far more than the bad ones. It actually takes talent to be so bad that one gets a rejection from an interviewer before the interview is over.
Yep! And we all remember a few who had those special "talents" Always one or two a cycle.
Yep! And we all remember a few who had those special "talents" Always one or two a cycle.
The guy who gave his answers in pantomime was a favorite of mine!
The guy who gave his answers in pantomime was a favorite of mine!
Just when I think that the persons who you interviewed who wore the ice skater's outfit, or wanted to light up a cigarette were the worse of your interviewees, you continue to amaze me with how rock bottom people can go!

What is it about your school that attracts these loons?!!???!!!