Technology iPad as a Med Student

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You can access EPIC on your old one.

No need to upgrade unless it's too slow for you.

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incredibly useful

get evernote, dropbox, goodreader, study blue apps. there are some great anatomy apps, Netter is now available. my hospital's EMR has an iOS app i can access via iphone and ipad - fantastic for home call.

i use it more than my laptop at this point.

You're very lucky. Where I worked, there was no such accommodation. When I tried to mention it to one of the IS techs, his response was something like "BWAHAHAHAHA! We're IE now, IE forever!"
Bumping this because I have the same question... have a PowerBook, thinking of getting an iPad primarily for books / being able to study easily when traveling. My school DOESN'T stream lectures so I actually will go to them, so... less heavy stuff = better for biking to campus.

- Most textbooks seem available in electronic format... true?

- Can textbooks all live on the cloud or do they need to live on the hard drive?

- I'm not an expert on which programs/apps work for iPad vs. other electronic forms and whether it's a problem if different books run on different apps? Thoughts?

- Relative benefit of e-books (i.e. portability? usually can take notes/highlight, right?) vs. regular books (what we're used to, can buy used, can re-sell)

- iPad2 significantly different enough from iPad3 to be worth it? I imagine the better resolution makes reading better and can get 32GB but... I'm not gonna game or anything so not sure if $100 difference is worth it....

Thanks :)

There are endless ways to increase the storage of your Ipad, WiFi drives, clouds, portable hard drives, flash memory.

I personally use a usb thumb drive with the camera connection kit and iFile app. 100$ for 16gb SSD on the 32gb iPad is a poor choice unless you can't be bothered at all with file transferring. Even then an extra 16gb is hilariously small, even 64gb is extremely small. My brother had this exact same decision getting his and I laughed about how much he was stressing over a measly 16gb.

I store most of my important data on the ipad and the cloud I have, dropbox. The thumbdrive mostly has videos, audio files, and larger apps / games. Heck, if you have an mp3 players you can even use that to store data on. Some applications take up a lot of space, and I have to transfer and install them on my iPad when I want to use them. It only takes a minute or so. I've already filled up several 32gb thumb drives I had lying around. I'll be getting a small portable HD soon to have it all in one spot.

I also use remote desktop apps, which gives me access to my desktop computer and all the programs I have on that, as well as all of the storage and files. The sky is the limit on how many GB's you want taking that route.

Ipad 3 is definitely worth it. it's a monumental upgrade for only 100$. I wouldn't buy it directly from Apple. if you do though, try to get a bundle deal.
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Interesting to note how much has changed in 5 years since I finished med school.
I still remember putting in paper orders. I guess I am getting old.
Anyone care to comment close to 3 years later lol? Who actually, legitimately, and religiously uses their iPad throughout medical school and beyond?

Should I make the investment?
I use my iPad mini on the wards every day. Most EMRs have programs that will let you run them from your mobile device. IMHO, being able to look up my patients in real time during rounds is clutch. Didn't use my regular iPad too much first and second year, but the mini is perfect for the wards (it fits great in your white coat pocket).