Is anyone able to access the 2024-2025 FAFSA?

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Mar 13, 2020
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Basically the title, I thought the application was supposed to be open today.

Anyone have any success filling it out?

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"During the soft launch, the FAFSA form will be available periodically while we monitor site performance and form functionality. We will have planned pauses for site maintenance and to make technical updates as needed to provide you with a better experience."

I think it's down right now for this reason even though today is technically the soft launch
On the topic of FAFSA: in 2022, my mom got the opportunity of a lifetime and basically doubled her salary. We're still firmly below the typical med student family, but it's definitely a change from the first 22 years of my life (spent lots of time below median income; deemed SES disadvantaged by AAMC; applied to med school through FAP; attended college for free through need-based aid; etc.).

Would any schools question the discrepancy between my FAFSA and my AMCAS childhood details, or is FAFSA/current financial info purely used for aid determination? The AMCAS stuff is a more accurate reflection of the vast majority of my life to this point, but I could still see it being kind of awkward.
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when are we recommenced to fill out fafsa?
Their new FAFSA portal just opened up yesterday and they anticipate some bugs and pauses in access while they get it running smoothly under huge volumes of people trying to log in.
I recommend waiting 7-10 days before trying to do it.
In the meantime you can look at and collect the facts you will need
Is it recommended we add the codes of all schools we have acceptances and WL/delayed decisions at in FAFSA? Also, if we get II later in the cycle can we go back in and add additional codes?
Is it recommended we add the codes of all schools we have acceptances and WL/delayed decisions at in FAFSA? Also, if we get II later in the cycle can we go back in and add additional codes?
The new FAFSA will allow you to list up to 20 schools. Most schools will not be processing your FA information until you are offered admission. Yes you could add schools later
I was able to submit mine on 1/2. They open the website in batches. Just check a few times a day and wait until the "Start New Form" buttons are blue, then you know they are in an "open period". If the site goes down again or crashes it should save all your progress.

It happens to be open right now as I checked.