Is it a big no-no to ask for letters of rec over email?

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5+ Year Member
Oct 4, 2018
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Applying to anesthesiology. Doing anesthesia elective in big hospital with a new attending every day.

Generally they are willing to write a letter even after working for one day.

Is it okay to send polite emails to attendings asking for letters of rec, especially if they’re busy and hard to come by in person and you never work with them again?

Thanks y’all.

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Send an email asking for a strong letter; also say you'd be happy to meet in person/phone/zoom to discuss more if they're able/want to.

Asking a letter from someone you've had one clinical day with is a bit risky in the sense that they likely can't say much about you that's unique. You want them to get to know you at least a little bit.
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If you’ve only worked with them one day and you email them they probably will have no idea who you are. I think I’d track them down and ask in person. Then say you’ll follow up with an email explaining everything. But in reality, what can they say about you after one day?
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