MD & DO Is it feasible for someone to spend their entire 4th yr OUTSIDE their base rotation site?

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5+ Year Member
Feb 24, 2020
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TLDR: Is it feasible to complete all my 4th yr electives (about 44weeks worth) in a geographic region completely different than my base rotation site?

For background, I am about to start my 3rd yr clinical rotations at one of the original 5 DO schools. My school sends us students around the country for years 3 and 4, and I was assigned to a base rotation site in the Western U.S. I will finish up my core 3rd yr rotations next March, then will take Step/Comlex 2, and complete some 4th yr "core" rotations that are required to be completed in-region at my base site. All this should wrap up by the end of June (i.e. the end of our lease), and then I plan to be off for audition rotations.

For 4th year, we students are required to make our own schedules/set up all of our own rotations (about 44wks worth). We are allowed to complete our 4th yr electives outside our "base" region.

I am dead-set on returning to my home state, Wisconsin, for residency. I am like 97% certain I want to specialize in Psychiatry (the other 3% being IM/FM). With all this in mind, what is stopping me from scheduling ALL my electives IN Wisconsin (or in the same region i.e. Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, or Michigan)?

A large part of my motivation for this, is so my wife and I can move back to WI, be closer to our family, AND live in an area with a vastly lower COL compared to where we are located right now. I would be able to use our truck/camper setup to stay in during my electives (or stay with family/friends around WI/IL), and we could save cost on travel (no flights), and not paying double rent for months at a time.

I think this sounds like an adventure - I love to camp and the outdoors (INCLUDING winter camping!), and I love to drive. Overall, if what I have laid out is feasible and won't break the bank, I think I totally am up for it. I am looking for good, honest feedback, and hopefully this thread could be a resource for any students in the future who are curious about this.

Sorry for the wall of text, and thank you in advance for your thoughts.

Cross-posted from DO student forum for greater visibility.

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