Is it Possible - Second Semester Senior Year

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Jan 23, 2024
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I am currently a senior in college with a 3.95 gpa studying finance. I have had healthcare related finance internships and want to transition to premed. I have taken one science class and shadowed a physician.

If I am able to take the necessary prerequisite classes at my college through a minor, would it be possible for me to apply summer 2026?

The reason I would like to try to do it through my school rather than a post bacc is because I’m on scholarship and took a gap semester for a co-op, so my scholarship will cover me until fall 2025.

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Have you talked with a prehealth advisor? They know how feasible your plan is when they look at your transcript.
I got told by my advisor that the general course load is possible to take. I’m just curious if people in the forum think it is possible to pull this off given I will have to accumulate my application in a year and a half. I don’t know how medical schools feel about that.
I got told by my advisor that the general course load is possible to take. I’m just curious if people in the forum think it is possible to pull this off given I will have to accumulate my application in a year and a half. I don’t know how medical schools feel about that.
Only you know if you can handle the course load. Adcoms want to see that you were successful. You're doing a major change, so you are backloading your prerequisites. You would be doing that if you went for a career-change postbac program. Take advantage of your scholarship (if this is allowed).