Is it weird that...?

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10+ Year Member
Dec 28, 2008
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so i applied to all the CA pharm schools (ucsf, ucsd, usc, uop, western, touro, and loma linda) and i got my interview letter today from ucsf (feb. 20th! woo) but i have not heard anything from any of the other schools. is that weird, normal, common, strange? i know they received my supp applications because i've received e-mails about pre-req checklists and reviews. i know there are many more interview dates still coming up but it's strange to me that i haven't heard anything when i see people on this forum already receiving acceptances and such early interviews.

i submitted my pharmcas mid-august and all the supplementals by mid-september. any advice to calm my nerves from previous applicants or those more knowledgable about the intervew process? thanks so much!

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