Hey y'all,
I'm 27 and currently work as a public defender, my undergrad gpa is a 3.05 and my law school gpa was a 3.3. My undergrad was political science, and I don't believe I have any classes that count towards a science gpa, I didn't take any college level math classes. I didn't study for the ACT and thus had a mediocre score (25) but I had a 96th percentile LSAT scores if schools look at that at all, which I attribute to dedicating myself to the exam like I've never dedicated myself to an academic exercise. Not sure if it matters but a big reason for my mostly mediocre academic performance is I've dealt with depression for most of my life due to repressed gender dysphoria. A couple of years ago I began my transition and am much happier for it, removing that problem if I do enter a post bac and med school.
My reason for wanting to go to medical school is largely driven from that, I've seen how poor trans healthcare can be, and I've seen the difference a good doctor and a bad doctor make in your healthcare as a trans person, and I want to help my community in that capacity.
In terms of experience, I have 1000+ hours volunteering at a local LGBTQ org, I'm not sure if my public defender work qualifies at all but I work exclusively with an indigent population. I don't have any of the pre reqs so I am considering a career changer post bac position.
I guess my questions are: 1) is med school a realistic goal? and 2) Should I look at formal post bac programs and would I be competitive for those programs?
Thank you so much for your help!
I'm 27 and currently work as a public defender, my undergrad gpa is a 3.05 and my law school gpa was a 3.3. My undergrad was political science, and I don't believe I have any classes that count towards a science gpa, I didn't take any college level math classes. I didn't study for the ACT and thus had a mediocre score (25) but I had a 96th percentile LSAT scores if schools look at that at all, which I attribute to dedicating myself to the exam like I've never dedicated myself to an academic exercise. Not sure if it matters but a big reason for my mostly mediocre academic performance is I've dealt with depression for most of my life due to repressed gender dysphoria. A couple of years ago I began my transition and am much happier for it, removing that problem if I do enter a post bac and med school.
My reason for wanting to go to medical school is largely driven from that, I've seen how poor trans healthcare can be, and I've seen the difference a good doctor and a bad doctor make in your healthcare as a trans person, and I want to help my community in that capacity.
In terms of experience, I have 1000+ hours volunteering at a local LGBTQ org, I'm not sure if my public defender work qualifies at all but I work exclusively with an indigent population. I don't have any of the pre reqs so I am considering a career changer post bac position.
I guess my questions are: 1) is med school a realistic goal? and 2) Should I look at formal post bac programs and would I be competitive for those programs?
Thank you so much for your help!