Is volunteering at a hospital worth it since I'm pre-dental?

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Dec 10, 2022
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I'm signed up to volunteer for the Hospital Elder Life Program at a nearby hospital. It is 4 hours a week and a minimum of 120 hours total, so it will take up quite a bit of my time. I'm wondering if it is worth it since I'm applying to dental school, not medical school. One good thing about it is that I will have one more option when deciding who to ask for a recommendation letter. I am interested in volunteering, but I'm just worried that it might seem like I'm more interested in medicine instead of dentistry.

I also want to add that I have like 5 other volunteer experiences and I'm also worried that it might seem like I'm just trying out a bunch of things rather than sticking to one thing for a long time. The other volunteer experiences are long-term though. Just don't wanna seem like I don't have a clear idea of my passions or something.

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The motivations for "volunteering" in a chosen field(s) are quite different than volunteering in unrelated field(s).
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I'm signed up to volunteer for the Hospital Elder Life Program at a nearby hospital. It is 4 hours a week and a minimum of 120 hours total, so it will take up quite a bit of my time. I'm wondering if it is worth it since I'm applying to dental school, not medical school. One good thing about it is that I will have one more option when deciding who to ask for a recommendation letter. I am interested in volunteering, but I'm just worried that it might seem like I'm more interested in medicine instead of dentistry.

I also want to add that I have like 5 other volunteer experiences and I'm also worried that it might seem like I'm just trying out a bunch of things rather than sticking to one thing for a long time. The other volunteer experiences are long-term though. Just don't wanna seem like I don't have a clear idea of my passions or something.
spend time and energy doing other things
especially if you have other volnteering going on...
No it’s a waste of time. They’d rather see that you volunteered at a dental clinic or observed there. Now if your going to med school, yeah keep at it.
Many schools like to see that you like to serve the community at your capacity. It could be soup kitchen, volunteering to building home for homeless ppl or volunteering at a hospital. It doesn't have to be dental related volunteering experience.

it's also what you've learned from those experiences since you will get asked during the interview or the application process. if not, then you can casually bring it up on your interview.

But I would not spend too much time volunteering.