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Jan 31, 2007
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ok-i know this is not the israel forum, but i have looked on other forums and have not really found what i was looking for. i was just wondering if any of you have considered that as an option? what is the difference between an israel medical school vs. a caribbean school? are there any advantages? any feeback would be appreciated. thanks.

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ok-i know this is not the israel forum, but i have looked on other forums and have not really found what i was looking for. i was just wondering if any of you have considered that as an option? what is the difference between an israel medical school vs. a caribbean school? are there any advantages? any feeback would be appreciated. thanks.

Try There is a forum fro Israel. When I worked at Beth Israel MC in NYC in the 1990s there were quite a few US IMGs comming from Ben Gurion, Sackler and Technion. I think those have partnerships with some big names like Columbia in NY. They also have Stafford loans. The only disadvantage that you have to do the whole thing in Israel. Though it could be to your advantage b/c you'll get a true World class cutting edge medical education, with clinical exposure to the things that you probaly will never (I hope not) ever see in the States. but definitely check it out.