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Jun 24, 2008
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I have to do a big research paper for school and I need to research some issues facing my career of choice. I have picked: Physician

I have a good article about a possible future shortage of physicians but my instructor wants me to do more research online to see if I can find another other big issues pertaining to my career.

I honestly cannot think of anything else. I know SDN is not supposed to be a homework help forum but I'm not really asking you guys to do my homework for me, just share with me some issues facing this field.


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Hey. At risk of sounding like a jerk, if the potential physician shortage is all you've found so far doing research, you need to do some more research! I'd recommend searching the forums, google, reading the health sections of newspapers, etc. Though I can't tell you exactly what to search for, here are some topics I'd suggest to get you looking in the right direction:

Malpractice insurance
Issues with medicare compensation (how doctors get paid more to treat less / more quickly)
Tort reform and malpractice lawsuits
Particular specialties that there might be a shortage in, not just a shortage in general
WHY there is a physician shortage (what issues are making students decide to pursue another career)
How a lot of physicians' salaries are not well-adjusted for inflation
How the status of the physician has "declined" over the past few decades (physicians' assistants and other workers can now perform LOTS of procedures that only doctors used to be able to do, but they don't have to pay for and attend as much school)

These are just a few, but I am positive that if you do an SDN or google search, you will find more things to talk about than you could ever fit into one paper. If you have any more specific questions, feel free to PM or reply. Hope this helps.
hey. At risk of sounding like a jerk, if the potential physician shortage is all you've found so far doing research, you need to do some more research! I'd recommend searching the forums, google, reading the health sections of newspapers, etc. Though i can't tell you exactly what to search for, here are some topics i'd suggest to get you looking in the right direction:

Malpractice insurance
issues with medicare compensation (how doctors get paid more to treat less / more quickly)
tort reform and malpractice lawsuits
particular specialties that there might be a shortage in, not just a shortage in general
why there is a physician shortage (what issues are making students decide to pursue another career)
how a lot of physicians' salaries are not well-adjusted for inflation
how the status of the physician has "declined" over the past few decades (physicians' assistants and other workers can now perform lots of procedures that only doctors used to be able to do, but they don't have to pay for and attend as much school)

these are just a few, but i am positive that if you do an sdn or google search, you will find more things to talk about than you could ever fit into one paper. If you have any more specific questions, feel free to pm or reply. Hope this helps.
thank you so much
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This might be too controversial, but you could project how both presidential candidates' healthcare programs (or lack thereof) would affect physicians and their pay, hours, and the healthcare shortage.
Medical ethical issues can fill a book. Plus it's really juicy and really interesting.

I wrote most of my papers on women in the medical field (another topic you can get tons of resources for) and problems when doctors and patients clash culturally (I can recommend a great book for that topic). Another good discussion would be about the lack of trust between doctors and patients (you can track the decline in trust over the centuries and discuss problems that arise because of this trust issue).