jugular venous pressure tracing: "downward displacement of tricuspid"

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Jun 11, 2015
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fa2018 p. 282 says that the x descent is due to downward displacement of closed tricuspid valve during rapid ventricular ejection phase. doesn't the x descent represent right atrial relaxation? does anyone know what first aid is talking about?

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The x decent does represent atrial relaxation. However this is also when the tricuspid valve closes (the downward position) and when there is rapid ventricular ejection.
What do you mean "the downward position"? Aren't the tricuspid leaflets "down" when the valve is open?
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I believe this is being used relative to what happens during the c wave where there is an upward displacement during isovolumetric contraction. Once the seminlunars open the tricuspid moves back down and atria relax.
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I believe this is being used relative to what happens during the c wave where there is an upward displacement during isovolumetric contraction. Once the seminlunars open the tricuspid moves back down and atria relax.

Dang, that actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks man!