Just checking my progress!

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Jun 24, 2019
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Hi everyone! I am currently a junior and just wanted to get some input as to if I am on the right path. I currently have a 3.91 cGPA and 4.0 sGPA. In terms of experience, here are some relevant experiences I have had so far:

120 non-clinical volunteering hours
600 hours of research experience (I also presented at a symposium at my school - nothing huge, but I thought I would include it)
I have also been really active in my "unique" dance club since freshman year where I have held leadership positions.
Other leadership positions such as: being treasurer in a club I was involved in since the beginning of my sophomore year, being a peer mentor (went from a mentor to a senior mentor) to first-year students at my school
I have also had a couple of super lowkey side jobs (mostly involving taking notes for disabled students and making videos for homework problems for students to use)

Obviously, as you can see, I have little clinical experience. I really tried to start volunteering at a hospital during my sophomore year, but the plans were never able to pull through (I genuinely tried I swear, but just ended up having some bad luck). I did end up being able to start volunteering at a developmental disabilities center during January but due to COVID-19, that also fell through. After this, I was able to set up plans to volunteer at a hospital near home during this summer and I was also going to figure out shadowing for the summer, but I was definitely naive and this pandemic is going on way longer than expected so that was canceled as well. I did consider applying for a clinical job for the summer, but there weren't many opportunities available around me, and I didn't feel safe potentially exposing my family to the virus (especially since my family was/is scared since my grandfather got the virus and saw its effects).

So, this summer, I ended up just dipping my toes into MCAT studying along with doing virtual volunteering, my lowkey part-time job, and having various responsibilities at home. I also definitely tried to keep myself busy by dancing a lot more and starting to learn a couple of languages on top of all of that. But, I still did not get the experience I really wanted to get (I know a lot of pre-meds are in the same boat) so I am feeling behind. Due to this, I am now 99.9% (would be 100%, but you can never be too sure) sure I will be taking a gap year to gain an extra year to allow me to hopefully have experiences which will ensure that I am prepared to apply to medical school.

BUT NOW, I luckily came across a hospice volunteering opportunity that I recently started and am very excited about it! It is moving a little slowly because it took a while to be medically cleared and I can currently only visit patients at their homes who are not always comfortable with having volunteers come over due to the virus. Nonetheless, I am really excited about this experience and glad that I finally found something to give me such valuable clinical exposure. I am also continuing to do research along with continuing my non-clinical volunteering and leadership positions remotely. I have also been involved in virtual shadowing since the summer to at least get some type of exposure until I can find a physician who is willing to shadow me. I do really believe that I am trying my best, but I can't help but feel insecure about my lack of experience, clinical in particular. I am hoping that if I keep going with the hospice experience, find a physician to shadow, and hopefully be able to volunteer at a hospital in the future once they allow volunteers back, I will have enough clinical experience by the time I graduate and then apply. In terms of hours, I am estimating that I could have anywhere between 200-300 hours of clinical volunteering along with hopefully 50 hours of shadowing by the time I apply if all goes well. During my gap year, I will probably get some sort of clinically related job to gain even more experience.

I am so sorry for all of the rambling!
Please let me know if you think that I am doing okay! I think I am getting burnt out and losing a lot of confidence and always feel like I am not doing enough so please be kind if you can :)

P.S. I should also add that my state medical school is my dream medical school if that gives you an idea of what I am aiming for!

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You are doing fine, as long as the hours you do have have been meaningful to you personally. Obviously, your clinical experience needs to be improved and you probably should not have waited so long to address it, but you're doing it now and that is what counts (and really should be a non-issue by the time you apply with a gap year).

You're doing well, but please make sure to enjoy your life and do activities you enjoy so you do not get burned out. Keep on keeping on.
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You are doing fine, as long as the hours you do have have been meaningful to you personally. Obviously, your clinical experience needs to be improved and you probably should not have waited so long to address it, but you're doing it now and that is what counts (and really should be a non-issue by the time you apply with a gap year).

You're doing well, but please make sure to enjoy your life and do activities you enjoy so you do not get burned out. Keep on keeping on.

Thank you so much for the response! Yes, the hours have absolutely been meaningful in my eyes. I agree and I wish I could have addressed it earlier, but I am hoping that the decision to take a gap year and my current efforts will help to remedy that as you said. Thank you so much for the reassurance!

And yes, I will definitely try! I have just become a bit neurotic and obsessed with this pre-med process these days which I definitely need to fix before it gets worse. Again, thank you. :)
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I think you have a lot to be proud of! I was in your position in terms of clinical activities. My clinical experience was nothing special up until my Junior year, but like you, I recognized that and tried to rectify it. Also, this is a peculiar time for everyone, and I am sure that a lot of applications will reflect that moving forward.
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You’re doing great, especially since you plan to take a gap year, when you should be able to get your clinical experience and shadowing. Good luck!
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I think you have a lot to be proud of! I was in your position in terms of clinical activities. My clinical experience was nothing special up until my Junior year, but like you, I recognized that and tried to rectify it. Also, this is a peculiar time for everyone, and I am sure that a lot of applications will reflect that moving forward.

Thank you! Ahh that's a relief to hear. I see that you've gotten 9 interviews already! That's amazing, congrats and good luck! Thank you for your reassurance. :)
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You’re doing great, especially since you plan to take a gap year, when you should be able to get your clinical experience and shadowing. Good luck!

Thank you so much! That makes me feel a lot better :)
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In terms of hours, I am estimating that I could have anywhere between 200-300 hours of clinical volunteering along with hopefully 50 hours of shadowing if all goes well. During my gap year, I will probably get some sort of clinically related job to gain even more experience.
How many hours will you have by end of summer? If you have 100-150 hrs you can apply without gap year if want to.
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How many hours will you have by end of summer? If you have 100-150 hrs you can apply without gap year if want to.

I think I should have maybe around that number! I think I am pretty set on the gap year though because I can use the extra time to better myself overall. However, the fact that you said this makes me feel even better so thank you! :)
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