Kaplan #4

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20+ Year Member
Apr 10, 2003
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Does anyone have the answers for this? Thanks a million!:)

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I'm feeling really stupid. I took full length 4 today and scored an 8P 11V 7B
What 's wrong with me!?!
I'm incredibly uptight about taking the real thing in two weeks. UGH.
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Originally posted by xadmin
Isn't this test the hardest out of all the full length test?
i sure hope so. my score on BS was the lowest EVER :mad: :(
Originally posted by KHep
I'm feeling really stupid. I took full length 4 today and scored an 8P 11V 7B
What 's wrong with me!?!
I'm incredibly uptight about taking the real thing in two weeks. UGH.

Hey don't lose heart man...... that thing was hard as hell.... i was feeling numb by mid way too ...... same for my other buddies taking the course ...... just keep studying and take the test on 17th ..... the real thing is much more straight forward than the kaplan tests
Yeah, my score on the Kaplan #4 was low too. I just want to confirm that everybody else experience the same thing and that not just me.
hmmm........it was my highest score out of the 4.

10PS, 12VR, 11BS........33........not bad

and to think that I haven't even started studying for the sciences.

I plan to go hardcore for my sciences the next 10 days and raise my score to a 36...i Would like 12PS, 12VR, 12 BS.

raising my score 3pts in 10 days...........no problemo.!
I agree. I have been doing well in Kaplan prep tests and then my score fell a full 3 points. Grr. I'm still above a 30, but it's frustrating. We have to remember not to let the test get to us- keep our chins up and keep the crisis in check, you know? It's so psychological.
Just keep chugging. If nothing else, let it motivate you to study harder.
Cheers. ;)

if you still need the solutions to exam number 4, send me your email.

Good luck