kaplan notes Pharm 2006-2007 vs. 2004

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Moderator Emeritus
15+ Year Member
Oct 13, 2005
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Is there a lot of new drug info in the Kaplan Pharmacology lecture notes from 2006-2007 compared to Kaplan 2004?

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I have the 2007s and some of the older ones. The main difference is lack of index in the older ones and that the new ones haev more clinical correlates in the margins. There is very little different in terms of actual drugs.

The difference isn't too much but if you're not cash strapped you might as well get the new ones.
I have the 2007s and some of the older ones. The main difference is lack of index in the older ones and that the new ones haev more clinical correlates in the margins. There is very little different in terms of actual drugs.

The difference isn't too much but if you're not cash strapped you might as well get the new ones.

Thanks so much!