Kaplan online course vs. science review

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Feb 4, 2008
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I was thinking of taking the online Kaplan course, then I saw the "MCAT Science Review" online course. Does anyone know the difference between the two, as far as what is covered, depth of coverage, etc.?

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It seems that the science review is just that--a review. It doesn't come with the practice questions, practice tests, and AAMC exams that the online course has. That's the most notable difference I see.
Okay, thanks. Last night I was going over some questions in my Kaplan Premier book, and I realize that I have forgotten a lot of general chemistry stuff. I'm wondering if the science review would be enough to help me, or if I would be better off taking the full course...
I can't imagine the reviews online being much different than the book reviews (in terms of content), but that begs the question as to why the online review is so much more expensive. I'm not sure, I don't have much experience with Kaplan.

Either way, depending on how much time you have left, you might want to check out TBR for chemistry, since it seems to be a consensus around here that they have the best gen chem review. The books might take a while to get to you, and they are kind of big, so it may not be worth it if you are just looking for a quick clarification.