Kaplan QBook

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Jul 30, 2001
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Just curious what people thought of this source and how it compared to QBank and the real test...I am working by way though medicine and getting spanked (55-60%)

And is it me or are the vignettes longer than step 1??

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cubsfan said:
Just curious what people thought of this source and how it compared to QBank and the real test...I am working by way though medicine and getting spanked (55-60%)

And is it me or are the vignettes longer than step 1??

I liked QBook only because I could take it places, like coffee shops. (I don't have a laptop computer). I noticed sometimes I'd learn stuff from QBook then later I'd get similar questions on QBank. This happened with Crush also, I'd read about something then get QBank questions on it. So I guess, do whatever you have time for. Good luck!

Another thing, try not to get freaked out by scores on practice tests. I know I did, but in retrospect, I shouldn't have. The subjects I scored the worst on in QBank were my best subjects on the Step 2, and the stuff I did well on in QBank were my worst subjects on Step 2. Go figure...