Kaplan vs Blueprint Self-paced course OR live course??

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Nov 24, 2023
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Hi everyone! I am a third-year Biology major student graduating in the spring of 2025. I am planning on studying full-time for the MCAT this summer from May to August and taking the exam in late August. I will have completed all the premed required courses for the MCAT by this time. I will study partially during winter break and maybe partially during the spring semester but intend to spend 40+ hrs a week during the summer studying before the exam.

I am trying to decide on an MCAT prep service and make a purchase today because of Black Friday sales. I have heard from others that Blueprint Review is excellent.
I am between the Kaplan On-demand course or the Blueprint Review Self-paced course in addition to Uworld, Anki, and the AAMC exam bundle. Additionally, I am also considering if it is worth paying for a live online course instead of an on-demand/self-paced one.

Please leave suggestions and any insight below! I would really appreciate it! Thank you : >

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