Last day to take CK?

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10+ Year Member
Oct 6, 2012
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When is the last day you can take CK, so you can be ready in time to be ranked by the programs for the match? Does anyone know? is it in January or February? and if so what day?

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When is the last day you can take CK, so you can be ready in time to be ranked by the programs for the match? Does anyone know? is it in January or February? and if so what day?

Rank list deadline is February 20, which is a Wednesday. Three Wednesdays prior would be January 30. Four Wednesdays prior would be January 23.

So you'll probably have your score back by the deadline if you take the exam before Jan 30, and you'll definitely have it back by the deadline if you take it before Jan 23.
I believe December 30th is the last day that's guaranteed.

edit: That is according to the Step 2 CS reporting schedule. I couldn't find the Step CK reporting schedule. Another thing to watch out for is some med schools require you to take Step 2 CK and CS before December 31. OSU is one.
I believe December 30th is the last day that's guaranteed.

edit: That is according to the Step 2 CS reporting schedule. I couldn't find the Step CK reporting schedule. Another thing to watch out for is some med schools require you to take Step 2 CK and CS before December 31. OSU is one.

thanks. you are awesome. i think the same goes for CK as well.
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Rank list deadline is February 20, which is a Wednesday. Three Wednesdays prior would be January 30. Four Wednesdays prior would be January 23.

So you'll probably have your score back by the deadline if you take the exam before Jan 30, and you'll definitely have it back by the deadline if you take it before Jan 23.

thanks house. unfortunately there arent any dates available before the 23. plus the first 2 weeks of Jan tests arent offered.
thanks house. unfortunately there arent any dates available before the 23. plus the first 2 weeks of Jan tests arent offered.

Just keep compulsively checking the website. Dates always open a few days before the test as people back out at the last second. You'll pay through the nose for last minute flights and hotels, but I wouldn't be surprised if you can find something if you're persistent.