Last minute question...need help!!!

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Jul 24, 2006
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I have seven days before the USMLE and I have heard from many people that there is a lot of molecular/cellular questions on the exam that goes in much more depth than FA i.e. signal transduction pathways, sonic hedgehog etc..

I picked up HY Molecular/Cellular but it seems too detailed. Does anyone know if there are any high yields chapters or sections in HY that I could focus on. Thanks for the help.

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don't know what people are talking about. there wasn't any complicated molec bio/signal transduction on my test that wasn't in FA. if you have any background in molecbio/genetics/whatever it should be no problem. i had one question that was indepth molecular and it wasn't even in HY cell molec bio - and i read the thick new edition as well (well tried to atleast). if you've been handling whats in FA and what you've learned from qbanks, you should be ok. you're score will be higher if you focus on your weak areas now rather than trying to cram in that HY cell book which you will subsquently forget.
Agreed. I can't remember any questions that were "what signal transduction mechanism" etc-- it was more understanding how stuff like electropheresis works, etc. I honestly think they put those questions in there to see if you have the patience to sit there and translate what theyre asking. Conceptually theyre not that hard.
Agreed. I can't remember any questions that were "what signal transduction mechanism" etc-- it was more understanding how stuff like electropheresis works, etc.

I had a couple on my exam. I kind of am guessing they were experimental since it seemed pretty far afield from anything seen in Qbank/World.