LECOM Early Acceptance


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5+ Year Member
Nov 28, 2018
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Just as a word of advice to other high school pre-premeds, look at LECOM’s early acceptance.

3.4 unweighted gpa
3.8 weighted gpa
4’s on AP Bio, Chem, and both Calc’s
35 composite ACT

I’m now provisionally accepted! Great option for others, the group interviews weren’t hard.

The only pre-dental kid got in, as did at least 5 pre-pharm that I talked to after.

It really is a good deal, and I just wanted to share it with others. Please leave any questions down below and I’ll get to them ASAP.

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Counterpoint: this pigeonholes you into a program at an age when you have very little idea about what you may be competitive for and what may be in store for you at LECOM.
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Can you please tell about when you applied, details about application essays, recommendation letters required etc. Would also appreciate some details about interview process...Thanks.
@seemasp I assume the program is pretty easy to get into. State school bs/md or early acceptance programs are much harder to get into.