Lecture vs. Lab Grade

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15+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
Apr 2, 2003
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My schools gives us 4 units for lecture and 1 unit for lab for all these classes. I am in Chem 102 this summer and the lecture seems do-able, given you're willing to give up your life for 5 weeks.

The lab however, the teacher plain old sucks! I can defer just the lab and take it during Fall (with Orgo and Gen Bio) or just fight it out and get a C in Lab.

Do you think this is going to hurt me? It's 1 unit, but it's still an important class. This grading system really sucks! I miss my community college...

Please let me know you thoughts..

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I think ADCOM's will look at your Lecture first. But it is important to make a good grade in the lab. I would retake the lab and try to get a different teacher. (I had the worst TA...retook it and made an A)
I got sooooo screwed... I got an A in lecture and a C+ in lab. Being a non-traditional student with stress on proving to adcomm that I can handle these classes with A's and getting this stupid C+ is just hard to grasp. It's amazing how running into a bad lab teacher can change things so much. You kick ass in lecture, study so hard, and then you have to deal with a different lab teacher who screws you completely. arghhhhhhhhhh

sorry i had to vent :( :mad:
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why are you so pissed off with a c+? You did well in the lecture so stop whining. You know, grades are not everything. Do well in your other classes and stop whining.
Originally posted by nanosomic
why are you so pissed off with a c+? You did well in the lecture so stop whining. You know, grades are not everything. Do well in your other classes and stop whining.

For non traditional students, particularly students that have been out of school a while, EVERY grade is important! For one thing he/she most likely won't be taking as many total classes as other students who are working on their bachelors. Because of this the classes he/she takes carry more weight. I'm a non-trad also, and called our state medical school to see what I needed to do. The advice given me was to take a few classes and display extraordinary ability....difficult for ANYONE!!!
CD, that's exactly how it is... thank you for explaining that. I guess some people can't relate to other circumstances other than their own. Anyway, It's not gonna kill me but it's disappointing. I hope you do well and are successful in your venture. Take care.
I am a very optimistic person so it bothers me when people whine about a single grade. All I am saying is do not let this one c+ discourages you. I will say it again, grades are not everything although of course there are some standards everyone should meet. I am saying keep going and you should be fine and goodluck. now go get an A in your next class:clap: :clap: