Length of Volunteering

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Jul 14, 2024
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Hello everyone,

I always see posts regarding the number of volunteer hours needed for med school and I've heard that (obviously) the longer you commit to said volunteer organization the better it looks, however, I was wondering what is considered a "long" commitment. For example, if you volunteered for 1 day a week for a year would that look better than let's say, 3 days a week for 3 months? I understand that context and what you learned from the experience is the main difference but in terms of numbers which scenario would look better in terms of time?

- RadDocWannabe

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1 day a week for a year is better. You definitely don’t want to be one of those people who get all their volunteer hours in the month or so before they apply to medical school.

We’re looking for people who truly care about others because medicine isn’t just a job. If you aren’t very service oriented, if you want to get into med school, at least take it by going to a soup kitchen or something for an hour or two for the years before you apply.

If you only have a year, start now. Make it a part of your schedule.
Most definitely 1 day a week for a year is better than 3 days a week for 3 months. The reason people talk about length of volunteering is not necessarily because of the number of hours but because the length of commitment. Getting all your community services hours in 3 months just comes off as a student doing it for the sake of the application and not because of a genuine commitment to community service (whether it be medical or non-medical in nature). The earlier you can start the better!
Agree with the above but if the time/location works for summer but not the school year, 3 days a week for 3 months is what it is. Doing that two years running would be great but not essential. Finding something during the school year, even if just one day a month, can show that you have a commitment to community service and that what you've done is not just box checking.
I think it matters. If you are passionate about an area, then more frequency can demonstrate your excitement and dedication. The interviewers will see that when you talk about your why.