volunteer hours

  1. R

    Length of Volunteering

    Hello everyone, I always see posts regarding the number of volunteer hours needed for med school and I've heard that (obviously) the longer you commit to said volunteer organization the better it looks, however, I was wondering what is considered a "long" commitment. For example, if you...
  2. hopeful Future Doctor

    Volunteer Hours/Years

    Right now I'm on a faster track to graduate instead of the normal four years for a Bachelors degree. I just started doing some volunteer hours now because I only very recently decided to cement the idea of becoming a doctor. I'm worried that not having years of volunteering might not look good...
  3. crazyotter

    As a nontrad, how did you fulfill your volunteering requirements?

    What are some volunteering opportunities that are accessible for nontraditional applicants that are no longer part of a traditional university curriculum? Any ideas on how a nontrad applicant can volunteer and still have a relatively competitive application?
  4. M

    What ECs are expected for non-traditional students? If my ECs are mainly prior to my postbacc, does that harm my application?

    Hello! I feel like there’s such a large range of what people are recommending as EC advice across various websites. For background: I have a degree in a medical related field (biomedical engineering), and a relatively low GPA (3.2, which counts as graduating with honors for my school as it is...
  5. M

    Is 200 hours clinical volunteering low?

    I have ~100 hours of hospice volunteering and ~110 hours of free clinic volunteering. But I have around 1300 hours as a paid medical assistant at a family practicel. Would this look bad for adcoms since my clinical volunteering is low?
  6. G

    missing volunteer components to strengthen application?

    I am planning to apply in 2023. I have non-clinical volunteering hours (2000+) leading a youth outreach for the past 5 years. I plan to shadow a doctor colleague when covid restrictions are reduced as they will not accept shadows for now (aiming to get at least 100 hours). In 2013 I worked in a...
  7. P

    Volunteer Hours from High School

    Hi everyone, first post here! I just had a question about volunteer hours for dental school. I volunteered for most of my high school years (mostly during sophomore and junior year) at a local animal shelter, have accumulated more than 360~ hours as it was one of my genuine passions outside of...
  8. bobadoz

    Is double dipping clinical and research experience okay?

    I volunteer at a free health clinic located in a very underserved community, taking basic vitals (temperature, height, weight, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, etc) supervised by a nurse, aid in taking histories and help with recording their chief complaint. This is my main clinical...
  9. bikinitop

    Volunteer Hrs - How few is too few hours to list?

    I'm applying DO this cycle (after a gap year or two) and was preparing to submit but I reviewed my Experiences section and realized my volunteer hours are scattered across many organizations and are few. How few volunteer hours are too few to list with a specific organization? Since I have so...
  10. M

    How many hours of clinicals, volunteering, and research are a competitive amount? Also how should I keep track/log my hours?

    In a previous post I mentioned that my GPA isn't exactly ideal. I can end off my bachelors degree with a decent GPA somewhere around sGPA 3.8ish and cGPA 3.6ish. This is obviously not that competitive of a GPA, not too bad either but when they see my transcript and see how awful I did the past...
  11. S

    Too little clinical volunteering?

    Any thoughts would be appreciated - thank you!
  12. J

    Other OT-Related Information What jobs give me relative work experience for OT school that can also pay the bills ($40,000+)?

    I'm currently a Junior Biology major with a minor in Psychology, Healthcare Administration and Chemistry at Texas State University. I plan on taking a leap year after I graduate before I apply to OT school (need to take A&P1+2 and get more observation hours). With that in mind, I was wondering...
  13. dwarfplanet

    Clinical Experience - mostly paid work

    I work as an MRI technician assistant at hospitals and outpatient centers which involves working directly with inpatients and doctors. This will end up being ~2000 hours of paid clinical work. I also volunteer once a week at a children's hospital, but it's really just playing with the kids and...
  14. S


  15. sushi18


  16. A

    Future ECs/Expected Hours on Secondary

  17. I

    RN-BSN to MD

    hello all, I know this has been asked a lot and I’ve asked this previously too... but I have different questions and I can really use your help. *please respond only if you have concrete info and know the topic, I’ve been getting mixed info lately and I don’t want to get confused anymore than...
  18. Dr.CinnamonRoll

    a LOR from a second cousin Dentist?

    So i'm finishing up my letters of rec, and I'm beginning re-evaluate whether or not I want to use second cousin's rec letter. I have over 70 shadowing hours with him, and he knows me best in terms of my personal growth and ambitions, so I thought "he has a different last name and lives in a...
  19. Rogue42

    How critical is volunteering?

    I feel like I have done a lot, but I have not done much volunteering (or what I have done, I do not have anyone to vouch for me that I have done it). I have like 60 hours as a volunteer assistant athletic trainer which I do have someone who can vouch for this, I have 12 hours in an...
  20. P


    So i've been interested in applying for Med School in the field of psychiatry, but i would also like some help. I understand a good application involves some volunteer work, clinical and non clinical hours also. I've had a job at a hospital, and a nursing home and volunteered once before. I...
  21. D

    General Admissions & OTCAS Shadow Hours Advice

    Hello everyone, I have been working as a elementary physical education teacher for the past ten years and I am now looking at a career change to OT. I have been following this forum for a while and have found some really helpful information about different aspects of the OT field. I have...
  22. T

    Volunteering/application question

    From what I can understand there are blocks (around 15) where you place your volunteer/EC/shadowing/research on a Med School application. My question is this: I volunteer at 3 places right now, which are all long-term (freshman year-until I *hopefuly* go off to med school). The first is working...
  23. Y

    Weighing two different volunteering opportunities

    I'm a nontrad just starting on this long hard road. I already have some volunteer experience, but I am sorely lacking clinical volunteering hours. I have two opportunities lined up to remedy this, and am weighing their respective pros and cons. Opportunity 1: Pros: I can start in a clinical...
  24. B

    Clinical volunteer vs. medical scribe

    Hi all, so i'm planning on applying next cycle (will graduate this fall and planning on DIY postbacc) and was wondering should I concentrate on clinical volunteer or scribing or research? I only have time for one (or two) of them (during my last semester in college). Here's the background: I've...
  25. D


  26. W

    Has anyone ever had bad volunteer experiences?

    I'm saying this because, I've been volunteering in the patient care program at a unit in a hospital. I've been made fun of several times by the nurses, respiratory therapists, and physical therapists there and I always hear them make sly remarks towards me, I even had two nurses laugh at me and...
  27. F

    Volunteer experience NOT through organization

    Can I count clinical volunteer hours that was not through a hospital or hospice? For example, if I volunteer for a sick special needs boy in his home and give him meds and feed him, can that count as patient care? (I am not related to the boy personally nor do I know him personally. I was asked...
  28. StackOfTurtles

    How to improve my non-trad chances in 5 hrs a week?

    I'm 30, and in my fifth year of a PhD program in the humanities. I'm writing my dissertation, and I *should* be done in June 2019. Meanwhile, I'm taking my MCAT June 1 and will apply to med schools this summer -- my state school is my #1 choice, but I have a short list of 5 other institutions to...
  29. N

    Observation Hours

    What is a good number of PT observation hours to have? Most schools I see want around 50-100 in multiple places, but this is only a minimum. How many did people do to be able to be accepted into a program? Thank you!!
  30. 8

    Where/How to get "inpatient" hours

    Really I'm lost here. I can shadow outpatient easy and have 40 hours completed. I tried to shadow at a hospital, but they said no, you have to volunteer. So I met with the volunteer coordinator, explained my situation (i.e. can i volunteer here 10 hours a week for a while), she said YES...
  31. A

    Univ of Florida medical school admission

    Hello, So, I'm graduating from Univ of Florida with a bachelors degree in women's studies, and after I just realized I want to become a doctor. I want to take all of the prerequisites at Santa Fe college here in Gainesville. I'm worried about admission for a few reasons. I'd love if maybe...
  32. wolfnscale

    Shadowing in Sarasota, FL?

    Hi everyone, I am a post-bacc student, currently completing pre-reqs. I haven't really had any formal shadowing experiences. I am going to be in Sarasota, FL for winter break (~2 weeks) and I was hoping I could jump start my shadowing experience there. Before I start googling random practices...
  33. 4

    Scribing or volunteering?

    I graduated in May with a biology degree with a stellar GPA and MCAT score. I applied last year and didn't get in anywhere. I got feedback from UW telling me that I was lacking in volunteer hours (~70-80) and needed a better understanding of a medical team. I am currently working full-time at...
  34. Piglet2020

    Worried about volunteer hours?

    I submitted all 25 secondaries so far. On my AMCAS, I mentioned I did ~100 hours of volunteer service but this was a conservative estimate. Unfortunately, I did not record my specific number of hours but I think it was around 200 or so. The place I volunteered at didn't have a record system for...
  35. G

    Do hospital high school volunteer hours carry over in college?

    Hi everyone! I know there have been several threads started on this topic, but I wanted to know the answer for my specific case. I was wondering whether my volunteering hours from high school would count towards the total number of hours in the AMCAS application - the experience section? I am...
  36. C

    Pre-Dental Planning Advice

    Hello! I recently decided on the pre-dental route after having been on the pre-med route for some time. I am an incoming junior getting a Bachelor's in Biology at my school. I am not too sure what dental schools look for in terms of volunteering and extracurriculars and I would like some...
  37. Babbitt4MVP

    Should I include high school clinical volunteering?

    Well aware this has been asked and answered, but my situation is a tad different. I volunteered in a hospital toward the end of high school for a considerable amount of hours, stopped when I began college, then resumed toward the end of college at the same hospital, where I continue to...
  38. h23

    High school Volunteer Experiences in my AMCAS app

    So I understand this topic may have been talked about on SDN forums but I wanted to make sure based on my situation. I'm a nontraditional and I volunteered at this hospital in high school about 7 years ago. I got around 50 hours from that. Fast forward to now, I finished college and I just...
  39. J

    Volunteer wrok

    So I know the requirements for applications, and I am searching for volunteer opportunities at the moment. One that I am interested in is the crisis text hotline, in which I will be able to answer calls or receive text messages from people in crisis ( Suicidal thoughts, sexual abuse, depression...
  40. T

    2nd-time Applicant

    Hi guys! I am planning on applying to medical school for the second time this year. Last year, I applied to 20 schools and got an interview for one (University of Washington, which is my state school). I was looking for your guys' opinions if I should apply again this cycle or just wait another...