Letter of Intent Question

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7+ Year Member
Mar 10, 2015
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Hey all,

I am waiting for the last 4 weeks before non-rolling medical schools release their decisions. As part of this waiting, I was hoping to do one last thing to boost my odds of acceptance to my top choice. As background, I have already been interviewed and have sent two update letters (one in September, another in early January). I was wondering if it would be too much to send a letter of intent considering the update letter in January, however, I really like this one school that I want to attend and I am ready to pour my heart out on how much I love their program, location, etc, etc (and I mean it when I see I love their program). What are other people's takes on me sending this letter out? I know decisions have not been released yet, though I am concerned about wait-list limbo so I desire to avoid that if possible.

Also, I was thinking it could be nice (and potentially helpful) to email the update letter both to the admissions office and one of my interviewers (I plan to mention in my letter how he gave a great impression of the school) as he is on the board of admissions and he gave me his personal email. Thoughts on this as well?

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They know you're lying; they don't take it personally, and unless the schools specifically state that they welcome LOI, they won't do you the least bit of good.

"But I'll still respect you in the morning!" said every desperate guy to a hot chick.

LOIs are the same thing.
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They know you're lying; they don't take it personally, and unless the schools specifically state that they welcome LOI, they won't do you the least bit of good.

"But I'll still respect you in the morning!" said every desperate guy to a hot chick.

LOIs are the same thing.

For the schools that are receptive to letters of intent, why do they claim that they will be considered? If these schools that claim to be receptive to them are lying, then it just creates more administrative work for them.