Letter of Intent

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Mar 2, 2006
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I have been waitlisted at a school and i wanted to write a letter of intent but i dont know what to write, what the format is for such a letter? I know this probably makes me sound stupid but oh well. Please help. I would certainly appreciate an example of such a letter in my PM box. Thank you for your help

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Well, since you did not bother to search (or you wouldn't have asked such a question), here is my way of writing a letter of intent:

Dear whatever school,
I want to go to your school. Please take me. I am da bomb. I mean, not da bomb literally, or else I would be a suicide bomber. Uhhhhh. Please take me. I like your school. I like all the things about your school. I like you. I mean, I LOVE you. Do you LOVE me? I think you do. So please take me, your lover, for next year's class.

someone who couldn't use the search button on sdn

ok. i'm sorry i'm mean! I have a chemical imbalance in my head!
To be a physician.......show compassion, show empathy and help.
What kind of physician you will make gottalovemilk?????? :thumbdown: