Letter of Recommendation Mistake

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New Member
Jul 18, 2024
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One of my letter writers let me see the letter they sent for my application, and I noticed they accidentally said I started working a year later than I did. On my application I indicated I started working in summer 22, but they put summer 23. As most of my secondaries are already completed, is there anything I can do or is it not that big of a deal? Thanks!

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One of my letter writers let me see the letter they sent for my application, and I noticed they accidentally said I started working a year later than I did. On my application I indicated I started working in summer 22, but they put summer 23. As most of my secondaries are already completed, is there anything I can do or is it not that big of a deal? Thanks!
Not your error, do nothing
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Your reference was nice to let you see a copy of what they wrote AFTER they submitted to schools (sigh). In real life, you would clear it with your boss before you press "send"... ;)

It's like giving us a WAMC post even though you already sent in your primary and secondary. :)