Letters of Recommendation

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2+ Year Member
Apr 30, 2022
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So I’m applying to vet school this cycle and am struggling with my LORs. My options are a boss of 4-5 years, the vet I’m interning with this summer, and an high school animal science teacher/ FFA advisor who I’ve done years of livestock judging with. I need three and only one vet (applying to uga only). I was a Covid freshmen and am graduating a year early so I haven’t been able to build relationships with faculty. Is it reasonable to use the teacher or should I find someone else somehow?

Also, interning out of state and don’t have any advisors that are a reasonable choice.

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The tough thing is you don’t know how your relationship will be with your summer intern boss. Do they know you are planning on a letter from them?

For the teacher, it’s definitely preferable to have someone more recent. How long did you work alongside them with livestock judging? Did you do any of it after high school?
The tough thing is you don’t know how your relationship will be with your summer intern boss. Do they know you are planning on a letter from them?

For the teacher, it’s definitely preferable to have someone more recent. How long did you work alongside them with livestock judging? Did you do any of it after high school?

The vet has to write an eval already as the internship will also count a credit for classes so I figured I would ask her once I’m there bc I live two states away and would prefer to do it in person. I mean I’m living and working with her for at least two months.

I did three years of livestock judging with her and kept in contact these past two years. She even wrote me a letter of rec for a college program I was applying to last summer. My only other option would be a previous professor but I have a strong feeling that they would all decline as they do not know me well (I’ve mainly taken huge classes until now). It would have to be based purely on how I did grade wise in the class.
I was in the same boat as you! I spent most of undergrad working so I wasn’t as involved as most of my classmates and I didn’t feel like I had a great connection with any of my professors so I didn’t get a rec letter from them. Instead i got letters from two vets I worked with during that time and a letter from the local animal shelter director who I volunteered with when I was in high school. While I think I may have had a disadvantage not having any current faculty write me a letter I still got in this past cycle so its not impossible!