LGBTQ and dentistry

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7+ Year Member
Aug 5, 2015
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Hello! I just found this section of SDN, and could not find any threads about being a part of the LGBTQ community and in dentistry. I have talked to a couple of gay students who are both currently in dental school, but I was wondering if there's anyone else who is in dental school or is now a practicing dentist? I'd like to ask some questions, and I'm not sure how similar dental school is to med school in terms of atmosphere for the [LGBTQ identity] in med school threads to have the same kind of value for me.

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I am not in dental school, but I will say that the needs of LGBTQ individuals in terms of dentistry probably aren't as well defined as the medical needs of LGBTQ individuals. That's not to say that these health disparities don't have a similar effect vis-a-vis dentistry (lack of care of denial of care due to sexual orientation or gender identity) as they do on the medical side, but I can't offhand think of any dental conditions that aren't related to other medical conditions that more prominently affect LGBTQ individuals.