Life as a Pharmaceutical Sales Rep

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10+ Year Member
Sep 28, 2012
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I was wondering what life would be like as a pharmaceutical sales rep.

Most importantly how far and often do they travel by car because I think I have a sleep deprivation issue that might affect me if I pursue this type of career. I can drive up to about 1-1.5 hours ok but after that sleep deprivation typically hits me.

I was also wondering do sales reps just make "rounds" or are they the person that sales are dependent on and thus that would mean if they are not producing sales they would be terminated.

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Nowadays, most reps are not pharmacists. Not that they couldn't be, but it's not necessary..
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Did that job for 4yrs!!!!!! HATED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember a Moxatag rep came by a couple years back. I felt so sorry for this guy. You're welcome
I was wondering what life would be like as a pharmaceutical sales rep.

Most importantly how far and often do they travel by car because I think I have a sleep deprivation issue that might affect me if I pursue this type of career. I can drive up to about 1-1.5 hours ok but after that sleep deprivation typically hits me.

I was also wondering do sales reps just make "rounds" or are they the person that sales are dependent on and thus that would mean if they are not producing sales they would be terminated.

The amount of car travel will vary by territory and yes your employment is performance dependent. How your performance is judged will vary from company to company, but generally something like year over year growth in vials, bottles, etc.

The traditional pharma sales rep is likely a dying breed given the ever increasing restrictions on what they can do. As a pharmacist you would be much better suited to an MSL role.