List of Ox-Cam MSTP institutions?

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Jul 23, 2020
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Hi there,

I was wondering if there is a convenient list of MSTP institutions that support OxCam fellowships? A few programs (Emory, Wisconsin, Northwestern) explicitly state so on their sites, but I wonder if I am missing any? If you could point me towards a list or just post here if you know them, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Generally, my understanding is that a med school that participates in the NIH GPP will potentially allow OxCam. OxCam is also approved sort of on a case by case basis, so I think of schools as being more or less inclined to approve, without any guarantees. I would suggest reaching out to the OxCam program director, who is very nice, for information approximating a list of schools (maybe this list exists, but I don’t know). U Colorado, Yale, and Johns Hopkins are 3 other med schools that I know have had students participate in OxCam recently.

Edit: for transparency, not in the program myself, but I considered it and know several people who are.
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You need to ask what happens with the difference between the grant/slot and costs at the school. Some schools will not supplement your OX-CAM slot during medical school, and you are left earning only 25K and having to pay 40% of tuition. In my program, there are no 2nd class citizens, all are supplement to the same level than other MSTP students. We have 2 OX-CAM trainees at the moment.
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For MSTPs accepting GPP students (say Track 1 of the MD/PhD route), does the cost of the medical school years tuition and stipend come out of the existing program MSTP grant "bucket", or does the NIH pay directly for this/send more money to the MSTP to cover an OxCam program?

I'm surprised that students may be left on the hook for MD tuition and face reduced stipend at some programs (although I can see this happening at a non-MSTP). The NIH has said "The program will provide graduate school tuition to [Oxbridge] as well as four years of medical school funding to participating MSTPs".
I've just found this thread which helps answer my question, and I presume the tuition/stipend amounts are similar.

Does this then mean that OxCam students are in fact more expensive to programs, if they are willing to provide full funding?
I would recommend reaching out to OxCam leadership (specifically Drs. Porter and Collins-Milinkovich who are Directors of Recruitment and Operations, respectively) to understand how the funding works if you haven't already. They could provide greater clarity on who foots which bills at which times, and could help in contact with MSTPs as well if needed.
I would recommend reaching out to OxCam leadership (specifically Drs. Porter and Collins-Milinkovich who are Directors of Recruitment and Operations, respectively) to understand how the funding works if you haven't already. They could provide greater clarity on who foots which bills at which times, and could help in contact with MSTPs as well if needed.
Thank you! This is a great idea.