Listing grants you were paid under but didn't write on your CV

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Aug 26, 2011
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And the hiring process can be weird--I once didn't get a TT job because I didn't list grants I worked under, but didn't actually write, on my CV and was seen as having less grant experience than the person they did hire, who did list those. Five years later, that person and I have received pretty much the same amount of grant funding, so was their reasoning valid? Eh, maybe? Do I list grants I was paid under but didn't write on my CV now? Yes. Do I still think it kind of misses the point of that section of someone's CV? Also, yes.

Meant to circle back around to this -- Is something we're doing now? Agree with you @futureapppsy2 that this seems to miss the point of a "grants" section on a CV...

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I see this in two situations: 1) junior faculty/post-doc CVs and 2) AMC non-tenure track research faculty whose positions are essentially to work on others grants w/o the expectation of being PI. Personally I see it as something that you eliminate when you're more senior akin to grad students having a section for "in preparation" manuscripts whereas most faculty do not.