Living in the D.C. area

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Apr 10, 2001
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Does anyone know anything about living in Silver Spring, MD? I am looking at some
places to live in the D.C. area, and there seem to be a lot of properties in Silver Spring. Any info is much appreciated.

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I went to Georgetown, and Silver Spring is hella far away to commute everyday. I guess it depends on which school (Howard, GW, or GU), but living in DC while expensive, is significantly easier to deal with. Also, parking is a nightmare (imagine SF times 2) and traffic is really bad too. The only way it makes sense is if your school has a metro stop near by, then you can do park and ride.
I second that thought. I lived in DC for 2 years. Silver Spring is a long way out - especially if you are planning on driving (DC is as bad as LA now). Where you're school is will really determine where you want to live. Good luck!
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What are some good cities to live in for going to GW?
I live in Silver Spring right now and commute everyday to the NIH. It sucks... it's like 7 miles of bumper to bumper traffic with people that don't know how to drive. I suggest you get as close to GW as you can. Maybe Chevy Chase, Bethesda, or even in Georgetown. It's expensive but worth it in the long run. I have a net site I could dig up that for you that helps post docs at the NIH get housing if you would like. Stay away from Silver Spring.
Logan Circle is within walking distance and fairly affordable if you have roommates. Depending on how much you like to walk you could also try Dupont Circle (short bus ride otherwise). I agree that if you are going to GW you should try to live in the District or on the Orange or Blue lines of the Metro. Living in D.C. will also be much more fun than living out in the 'burbs. Good luck! :)