LMU DCOM vs LECOM Bradenton vs VCOM Carolinas

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Sep 7, 2023
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Can any current students at any of these campuses speak on the pros and cons of each of these schools? I hear mixed things online but just wanted to get more opinions because I do hope to go into more of a competitive speciality and want to choose the best place for that and somewhere that will help me and prepare me for that since I do know it will be harder going to DO path. Also if anyone could speak more on the curriculum with PBL at LECOM vs lectures at DCOM and VCOM that would be great!

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LMU DCOM is a post apocalyptic hellscape, don't go there.

I'm familiar with VCOM Auburn, not carolinas. I assume it's fine, but idk. VCOM Auburn is an awesome school.

Know nothing about Bradenton
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