Locum Cancellation

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2+ Year Member
Mar 30, 2020
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Hi, I’m relatively new to the locum game. My first big assignment cancelled on me 7 weeks out from the start date. Apparently 20 other docs were similarly informed yesterday. The reasoning given was that the hospital is moving to a direct hire process. It’s not the end of the world, but it is frustrating with the time I have already invested in credentialing process. Thankfully I have other gigs I should be able to fall back on for now.

Can any of y’all chime in on how often this situation has happened to you? Any red flags I should look for in the future? Would appreciate some feedback.

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Hi, I’m relatively new to the locum game. My first big assignment cancelled on me 7 weeks out from the start date. Apparently 20 other docs were similarly informed yesterday. The reasoning given was that the hospital is moving to a direct hire process. It’s not the end of the world, but it is frustrating with the time I have already invested in credentialing process. Thankfully I have other gigs I should be able to fall back on for now.

Can any of y’all chime in on how often this situation has happened to you? Any red flags I should look for in the future? Would appreciate some feedback.
I've been doing fulltime locums work for the last 4 years. My biggest advice is to ALWAYS be credentialed at multiple locations. Never work just one job as these cancelations can happen and if you aren't credentialed elsewhere, you're stuck. I'd also advise you to be PRN somewhere close to where you live so that you can possibly pick up in times where you get cancelled or need to pivot. The locums game is not for everyone and carries the risk of income fluctuation as a result of this. Make sure you are in a financial situation to withstand the ebs and flows.
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You can also negotiate a guaranteed payment even if they cancel within a certain time period. I had that in my contract when I did locums. It was something like if they cancelled within 2weeks of my scheduled days they paid me for half the shift. I never had to enforce it though.
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You can also negotiate a guaranteed payment even if they cancel within a certain time period. I had that in my contract when I did locums. It was something like if they cancelled within 2weeks of my scheduled days they paid me for half the shift. I never had to enforce it though.
Never. But 7 weeks out is plenty of time to find something new.
It happens, especially if the rate is high. I was cancelled before I even started the credentialing. The net result was I got a free license, lol

Get a place that always needs people. It will help bridging.
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7 weeks is 49 days.

Most locums contracts are 30 days cancellation

Longer term locums contracts are 60 days cancellation

It does happen. Don’t sweat it. That’s why I encourage people to get credential at multiple places

Remember u can cancel on the same locums company 30 days out as well.

It’s a two way street.

I have had locums places cancel on me within a 30 day period. Not often.

Play nice if they like to use u to establish good will. (If it’s a place u like and paying u well to began with)

My locums place canceled one day next week on me within 2 weeks notice but they said they would make it up to me. And they gave me another lucrative weekend call.
Thankfully I’m not in a tight spot financially and should be able to fall back on 2 different options until I get something else setup. I appreciate the insight from you all.

At least I got a free license and DEA for my efforts. But, I definitely need to work on creating a couple more regular opportunities to mitigate some of the risk.
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