Looking for some feedback...

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Dec 4, 2012
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Ok, it's December and I'm getting even more worried that my application is going to tank...

Here's my stats:
Undergrad at small in-state university, graduating next week with BA in Biomedical Science, minor in Chemistry
GPA: 4.00

BS: 10
PS: 8
VR: 10

ECs: pharmacy volunteer for 1 yr during high school, emergency department volunteer for 1.5 yrs during college, nurse assistant at a summer camp for one summer, two summer jobs during high school, shadowed two physicians and a diabetes education program this past summer, currently working as a biology, chemistry, and statistics tutor at my university

Applied to 13 Schools: 2 In State, 11 Out of State
AMCAS submitted 7/11/12
AMCAS sent to schools 8/16/12
Completed secondaries at all schools by 9/24/12

Results so far:
2 Rejections
1 Waitlist (from my main IS school)
0 Interviews
10 MIA

Why???? I feel like all of the schools I applied to are just passing over my application. It especially worries me that my in-state school waitlisted me pre-interview... Feedback, PLEASE!!!!

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What was your sGPA? Where did you apply? That <30 MCAT might be killing you if you applied to top-tier schools, but I'm still surprised that you haven't had better luck. If you have a poor sGPA, that might be the killer.

Is your application truely complete? Are there any red flags in your LORs or background (for example, a serious misdemeanor or any felony might kill your chances).

Suggest contacting the schools that rejected you to see if you can get any feedback.

Ok, it's December and I'm getting even more worried that my application is going to tank...

Here's my stats:
Undergrad at small in-state university, graduating next week with BA in Biomedical Science, minor in Chemistry
GPA: 4.00

BS: 10
PS: 8
VR: 10

ECs: pharmacy volunteer for 1 yr during high school, emergency department volunteer for 1.5 yrs during college, nurse assistant at a summer camp for one summer, two summer jobs during high school, shadowed two physicians and a diabetes education program this past summer, currently working as a biology, chemistry, and statistics tutor at my university

Applied to 13 Schools: 2 In State, 11 Out of State
AMCAS submitted 7/11/12
AMCAS sent to schools 8/16/12
Completed secondaries at all schools by 9/24/12

Results so far:
2 Rejections
1 Waitlist (from my main IS school)
0 Interviews
10 MIA

Why???? I feel like all of the schools I applied to are just passing over my application. It especially worries me that my in-state school waitlisted me pre-interview... Feedback, PLEASE!!!!
Hmm... might be something red flagging in your essay that is making them question your motivations. Your clinical experience is a little thin. You also didn't list any research. High school experiences don't generally count for med school. Maybe they feel you need another year of experience to prove your dedication and motivations? Sometimes a low MCAT and high GPA will read that you are in the applicant pool because, well, that's what 4.0 science students do, become doctors... rather than because you are really motivated to become a physician.

Be sure to send quality updates to your WL school that emphasize your high level of motivation and continued interest and keep your fingers crossed. Also, get feedback from your rejections and do your best to improve what they suggest.
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My entire college GPA is 4.00, so my sGPA is also a 4.00...

I am an Arizona resident. I applied to both in-state MD schools: U of A Tucson and U of A Phoenix. I also applied to both top and mid-tier schools in the southeast: Baylor University, Vanderbilt University (reject), Mayo Medical School (reject), Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Virginia, University of North Carolina, Emory Medical School, Harvard Medical School (my father's choice, I had no plans on actually getting accepted here), Johns Hopkins University, Duke University, and Saint Louis University. I have strong ties to the states of Georgia and Texas, having previously lived there and having family in both states. Most of my schools were either in close proximity to these states, or were top-tier schools that my family wanted me to apply to, whether or not I thought I would be accepted.

I did not see any of my LORs, but there were no red flags in my application.

My PS was actually pretty good. Everyone at my committee letter interview said that it was one of the better they had read, and that was only my first draft. I have significant personal medical experiences which are my main reason for wanting to be a physician. These were prominent in my PS, so I don't think that's the issue.
Your problem is definitely your school choices. You should have added at least 5 more out of state friendly schools with 31 average mcat or below. A 4.0 is exceptional, but that doesn't make up for the 28 mcat at many schools.